New Poolee
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Thread: New Poolee

  1. #1

    New Poolee

    I just recently entered the Marine Corps Delayed Entry Program, and for anyone who is even considering it....It is the best choice that you could possibly make. If you are thinking about it, call your local recruiter, and sit down and talk with them. Secure your future, set a goal for yourself, and server your country.

  2. #2
    Marine Free Member Sixguns's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    Exclamation Congratulations!!

    Unfortunately, Robert, not everyone has the intestinal fortitude to even sit down with a recruiter. Most people don't even realize that there are few people who actually qualify to be Marines. WHat's even funnier is that the folks who never meet with the recruiter are missing the bigger picture. The Corps has so much to offer. I mean who else is willing to take a young person right out of High School and guarantee them a job, pay for all the training, even pay them to get the training, provide money for college and offer them the chance to travel and gain experience? One of the reasons I joined was when you consider how much I will have gained in four years as compared to my friends who were going to college, it made more sense. I mean I have a college degree, paid for with no student loans to repay, years of experience in a technical skill I can use after I leave the Corps, and a far better financial picture than my peers. I also got to travel and see some cool places. My friends in High School got college loans to repay, the same car they drove in H.S. and a nice room at mom and dad's place until they can get on there own two feet. I am glad I chose the path I did. You should be too!!

  3. #3
    That was one of my reasons for I come from a family of 8, my dad (ex marine) is the Chief Process Engineer at C&I Engineering, isnt going to pay for my college in full. So, I figured why not allow Uncle Sam to and serve my country, something I've always wanted to do, all at the same time. ALso, my life goal is to become President of the United of course this is going to help me out in the long run. Since joining the Dep on Tues 17 Sept, I have been talking to fellow students, and have gotten a few people interested...some even have called up the recruiter and talked to him. I point out the same things to them as you have pointed out to me, and I guess it works.....

  4. #4
    Marine Free Member Sixguns's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    Arrow Keep up the good work, spreading the word

    Besides, you may also earn a promotion before you go to recruit training! There will be those who cannot see the value in what you propose. Do not get de-motivated about it. Don't let them suck you into believing you are a loser or stupid for making the choice you did. "People mock what they do not understand." Be positive and wish them luck in their choice for the future. Stay above the childish games. Don't get into a confrontation about it. You look like the better man when you can smile and walk away.

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