People are people....even Marines.
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  1. #1

    People are people....even Marines.

    Seems like folks been takin' offense at everything around here the last couple a days. Even ME!

    It hasn't been my purpose at all to cause any. My intent has been to put out a couple fires inna barracks.

    Not my intention to offend folks in doin it.

    I took offense at a couple things myself. Folks been all over me here and there about what I have or haven't seen or done.
    I figure that might not be givein' me credit fer have a little bit of brains left in my BHG.

    I've said this before, but let me put it to ya again. What I do best is get things straightened out. I get things organised and sorted and put where they properly belong. To do this you have to be able to see patterns in people, in the way they act and interact. Sometimes I have to be a bit hard about what gets kept and what gets thrown out. I can tell you about the people I've gotten off the streets and into a good life for themselves. I can tell you about the businesses that are makin' two and three and four times the income they were before. Because I'm good at sorting things out....often with limited resources. One resource in business, the most important people. Period. I learned this in the Marine Corps. You have to get your people sorted out and in good order or productivity and morale go to hell in a quick hurry.

    Another resource is information. After years of experience in studying and learning about people and their interactions with one another, I can put sketches together of them, their lifestyle and how they interact with others on very little information. I am wrong now and then, but that is an exception. A rare exception. Some few of you here know this from watching ME very closely.

    At times I apologise even when I know for certain that I'm right in order that peace be kept and the mission might go on.

    I don't often have to apologise.

    I apologised to a man today, not for being wrong, but for not considering his feelings and his pride. I was wrong in doing this, although the information I gathered was minimal and only added to what I already knew from observation and from numerous other sources.

    I was accosted by another and informed that I had no knowledge of the past. My knowledge of that time is, certainly, second hand. However many of those same usernames were present on this site when I came here. I suffered at the hands of many of them while others looked on. Being stupid stubborn at times (as in posting this thread) I kept returning, to certain abuse. During that time I also had several individuals pm and email me asking me to remain. Among these individuals were Moore and Nomad and (Tip of the hat) Drifter. I remained at their insistence. I saw quite a number of other Marines leave after having suffered abuse here on the "old"

    Some comments I heard were "Well, if you were really a Marine you'd fight back." When I fought back, I heard "It's only hazing the new guy. What's your problem?"

    Come now folks, it doesn't take too much gossip to fill in the holes on what some of the "Old" chats were doesn't take much in the brains department either.

    Those who did not participate in the abuse were certainly, at best, accessories.

    I have done what I could to heartily welcome new folks here, to offer reconciliation to those who verbally abused me and to those who allowed such abuse to occur. I've offered help to all that I could be of service to.

    I will not however stand for such abuse towards others.

    Many have allowed their emotions and past hurts to effect their thinking, and their interactions with others on this and other sites. I have done my very best here to bring peace and fellowship in an attempt to restore that which has been lost. Unity and pride in being a Marine. The Brotherhood if you will.

    I have done this through standing my ground when necessary, through humor, and through what little wisdom I've gained after years of pain and breaking of my own.

    I have effectively left or abandoned other sites over the last few months, remaining here, for I saw a spark here. A spark of pride. Of humanity and of those who seek after peace and healin and knowledge. I've done my best. It is all that I can do.

    But I will not be attacked without cause when attempting to bring peace to a volitile situation.

    There are a tremendous amount of things I would like to spend my time on in other areas, but I have an obligation to my Marine Corps. To my fellow Veterans, and to myself to do what I can here.

    If my input is no longer needed here, I will move on to other things that are of import to me, effectively leaving this site, too.

    I do not need the pain that is offered by some of you, but like others I seek peace and healing here. If I can be of use, so be it. If not. So be it.

    Is it worth it for me to stand my ground. The next few days will tell me. It will not be your words in response to this thread. I will see the pattern elswhere.

  2. #2

    My brother i know i havent done anything to **** you off or said anything to **** you off. But you have to understand you are one of the MARINES that keeps me here. I dont put up with alot of sh%& these days. I think if ya take off yer pack here there are gonna be alot of MARINES going with you. By the way, I have asked a fellow MARINE to come look here because of you and yer wisdom. SEMPER FI DAMMIT


  3. #3
    Registered User Free Member Barrio_rat's Avatar
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    A tirade!

    Well now.. Don't we all have something to talk about now!

    As long winded as I tend to be, my plan is to keep this brief.

    Bones, I like having you in here. I look forward to your posts, your thoughts and your comments. You think things through and you usually see the other guys side before you make any comments. You support your fellow Marines - nearly without exception. You have the rare ability to see past the personal and focus on what is relevant. You are an example to us all.

    There are many (at least one here) that will stand with you against any and all who come at you. Your fight is our fight. As you would do for us, we will do for you.

    In the end, if you do decide to move on, I will miss yer posts on this site but I will support your decision. In the end, you can only do what is best for you. You have this Marines' support!

    Semper Fi!

  4. #4

    Bones, if you jump ship

    We'll have to send out a recon patrol and hunt ya down.

    If you were to leave it would be a major loss to all of us who frequent this forum. Bones you’re an anchor, we need your wisdom and your humor.

    Who was the wise guy that set you off, it had to be a newbie.

    I still got some Rum and I bet I can find a grenade around here somewhere.

    Opinions, Tension, Passion - sometimes this can all add up to a formula for disaster, and as your post appropriately began, people are people, even Marines.

    We’re going into some difficult times both economically and politically, HE!!, we’re all on edge.

    I’m going kick back to you, something that you said to me after my 1st post on the new and improved Leatherneck forum.

    “Stick around Marine, We need ya here”

    Semper Fi Brother
    Bob Neener

  5. #5

    An unexamined life isn’t worth living....

    Bones, and others, I also have visited other sites and like 0311 was put off by “doc” and others, I also remember their names. When I 1st got here when it was the old Leatherneck. When someone is not right in the head, I place them on my ignore list. They are still there.

    I know what I've done and no need to prove anything to anyone, I’m a Marine but like others I’ve said that if they would show me theirs I would show them mine (DD214).

    I'm here because I like it here. I like the name and I want to help make this site the best Marine web site possible. There have some that have pis sed me off, but that's their problem. I don't expect to be understood by everyone I venture in to help. Over the years I have found that a lot of people have their own agendas and I can't help them and found I may really not want to.

    Got to admit my sense of humor sometimes can be taken wrong, and when I have stepped on some toes I figured it must be their fault but every once in awhile I guess I'm wrong. I think that happened once...LOL

    Bones you got your corner here and I enjoy your company, still don't like that French roast coffee you sometimes make in the morning, but I sneak in my Starbucks brand and sit and listen and say something every once in awhile. I guess you, like me, we're here for others.

    Left a site once, I enjoyed, it was called the forum, don’t know if its still around. Some there were too uptight and liberal for my liking. Said goodbye and haven't been back there since. Lots of good folks there but the site is run in such a way that did not lend to the type of discussions we have here.

    Here I can be myself or, anyone of other individuals I feel like being and enjoy the company and don't hesitate to let my opinion (convictions) known, and sometimes it takes some explaining to others for them to understand where I’m coming from. Too many years of schooling, book learning, personal experiences and counseling and sometimes others don’t know I’m not out to toot my own horn, but have their best interest in mind. If folks like it fine if they don't that's fine also.

    I'm here cause I enjoy it and don’t feel like venturing out there. Figure I'll make this site as best I can, and maybe make a fellow Marine life a bit easier.

    Originally posted by wrbones What I do best is get things straightened out. I get things organised and sorted and put where they properly belong. To do this you have to be able to see patterns in people, in the way they act and interact.
    Experience like that is valuable here for others. But I’ve learned to choose my battles. I'm patient (might need to add patient to our morning coffee list) to a point, then I get angry, figure its their problem and put them on my ignore list, almost put myself there once. As a moderator I did kick myself out once and then couldn’t get back in, but that’s a different story). I like to see things through, and that's why I'm here.

    To tell you the truth Bones, it’s not everyone I say this to, but I would have let you carry my M60 ammo in Nam anytime..



  6. #6

    ****, That ain't fair!

    Usin my own words against me like that! LOL.

    My point is that I'm tired of the bull**** over nothin'. FNG or troll, fine and cool. Ya expect that!

    People goin' off over nuthin' or over old crap or over a mis-percieved slight ain't right, and I don't have the juice to make 'em mind or put 'em onna detail or ship 'em out!

    I want all the crap out inna open, dealt with and put away!

    I will not tolerate abuse of others because of someone's past hurts. Let's get it out inna open and ****in deal with it. That's what we're here for!

    I don't want to leave. Didn't want to leave other sites. Leavin' ain't my point.

    My point is not to coalesce folks around me, but around each other! The words and actions of you folks have done me more good than I have for you. You folks more often inspire me to be better than I am. We're the best. That is what we do.

    Let's get the crap out in the open and get it un****ed. Then we can move on.

    That's what I'll be doin'. Pokin' and proddin at the ones who need it, as gentle or forceful as may be, til ya get over yerself and deal with it and move on.

    I promisesd a rant a few days ago. This is a part of that.

    Bein' Marines, we all need some little bit of healing. Some release from the pain. Some of us more than others. Some less, but we all need it.

    Let's not use that pain and hurt to strike out at others who would be more than willing to help if they can.

    Don't mistake me! I don't want a touchy-feely Marine Corps. But there is strength in team work and in relyin on yer fellow Marines to cover yer six.

    Ya can't cover someone's six if yer raisin hell with them over somethin that you ain't been able to deal with.

    They can't cover yours if they're busy defendin themselves from you!

    Most of you fellers got it right in my book, but who am I to tell you this. Ya know in yer hearts where yer at with things.

    Ya got good hearts every one o ya! or ya wouldn't be Marines!

    I'm too ****ing stupid to leave. Just got onna rant and went a bit farther than I meant to is all. Although it is an option. Bottom of the list, but still an option.

    On the other hand, it would be interesting to see what else BadBob can do with a bottle of rum and a handgrenade!
    (I laughed over that all day, brother! I'm still chucklin everytime I think of it!)

  7. #7
    Marine Free Member Ready2Rumble's Avatar
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    Hey Bones...

    )(@#*$%)* @)($*)@ )#@(*$)@# )(*#$&%) )_)_#(&@)) #)*@#)* @#)(* )@*%)@(#* )@#*% )@#( @@@ )#*$)(#)(#*) )@*%()*%)@ )(*#%)(*@# @)#*)(@ )(#*%) @#&(&*$( !)#*$)&

    and thats all I have to say about that.!!!

  8. #8
    Bones, and To All Marines.....

    I don't talk much but I going to put my 2 cents in......
    This is Ellie......

    I look at it that All you Marines here have assets to give and teach all of us, that no history book is going to tell us...Peace or War time All of you are able to give us the straight truth of your experience....Being here reading and talking with some of you I can say I have learned a lot...I'm very Proud to say that each of you have accomplished that mission and I'm still willing to learn just like some other folks on this site...
    We all have our own opinions in life, which each and one of you's have given us that right...Some have fought hard when You became a Marine, but I can say I Thank You for all your dedication and courage to keep USA the way it is...
    We don't have to agree with each other, but should Respect and Value each others opinion...Some fire fights are good as long as it doesn't become personal...Hurtful words can make a impact on a person which can stay with them for the rest of their life...and I will look at the person who verbally abused another Marine or/person in a different light...I do see that strong Brotherhood and Sisterhood you all have to help one another...The Corps taught you well...but I do believe there is a place if you really have something to say with a person to take it to a personal level...

    My 2 cents......Roger will speak later.........


  9. #9


    To Bones, Joe, Cook and All Marines!!!!!!!

    I usually don't voice my opinion. I usually send PM's or e-mails, but I felt it is time I spoke out. I do tend to remain neutral but there are times when I have to speak, this is one of them.

    I personally am tired of Marines bashing Marines because they don't like them or for what other reasons. Don't like the way people make mountains out of mole hills. Everybody has the right to express themselves and state their opinions, why make a Federal Case out of things so petty.

    WE all are Marines, we all come from different areas of this Great Country, different time periods. Yes!!!! Joe, Cook and I are from the Old Corps, we have a tendency to see and look at things differently. So does that make us wrong............

    Yes!!! I'm a Viet Nam Veteran, I do have a chip on my sholder, I have learned to live with it. I don't take my anger out on my Fellow Marines. I look forward to each day and see what good it will bring. There is enough HATE in the world, we don't need it in here.

    Would have loved to had Marines like Bones, Cook and Joe under my command when I was in. Do believe we would have made one HELL of a Fire Team. And there are a lot other Marines who I would be Proud to have in my Squad and Platoon.

    Yes!!!!!! I am Proud to wear the Title of United States Marine. Proud to be part of this Brotherhood/Sisterhood. So let us all work together as a Team for the good of our Beloved Corps.
    Let us work together and make this the Marine Site on the net. Let us see to it that is on the lips of all Marines.



  10. #10

    My Comment

    Good Day Marines, Friends and Wanna-B's;

    I'm not quite sure where to start. Everyone up to now has pretty much covered it.

    I have been with this FAMILY for 2 years now if not closer to 3. When I came here I knew no one. I too would see this Marine Bashing (as "Drifter" put it) nightly. I (like most) would speak when spoken to. I too was questioned heavely upon arrival. Then it was my turn to be bashed. I told "These" individuals; "I won't play this game. I have nothing to prove. I have earned my title. I am a Marine. Enough said". I was then left alone to make friends and be a part of this FAMILY.

    I seemed to had fallen into a group of individuals that accepted me for who I was and not for what I had done. I consider my "Original Family" a big part of my life. I have seen Instigators come and go. But I am also sorry to say I've seen some good people (Marines and Others) who have gone away also due to the bickering and harassment.

    I myself am and stay a fairly neutral person willing to yak and listen to anyones idea, perspective or opinion on different issues. But I have never and will never tolerate anyone bashing another. I have and will continue to call these people one their actions and behavior On The Spot.

    I have in the past received phone calls by other chatters with complaints and concerns and have acted on these issues as I felt necessary. I have also received and made phone calls to Marines and Friends of our FAMILY that are troubled and felt they were on their last "straw" with no where left to turn. Some made these decisions sober and some intoxicated. ALL ARE FAMILY

    I would have you notice each and every time I have refered to this word it has been capitalized. The word is FAMILY. This is what I feel we have here. I see more PRIDE here than could ever be measured. Pride for Our Corps and Pride for others.

    I would like to take this time to personally thank members here that now, in the past and in the very beginning made this Marine feel welcome and at home. I will not attempt to name each one because as sure as the sun will shine tomorrow I will forget some. As with a few of us my mind does not remember specific things when I want it to. The years of pain meds take their toll on the mind as I'm told. But you know who you are.

    In closing I will say I do not want to see wrbones go anywhere. I would like to see Warren stay here and continue to be a part of this FAMILY. I do believe his knowledge, past experiences, honesty and respect are a big asset to this FAMILY.

    I am a Marine
    I am Proud
    Thank You for allowing me to be a part of this Marine Site and Marine Family.

  11. #11

    SH!T Happens

    I’ve never liked the chat rooms and you’ll never find me in the chat room for all the reasons being discussed here.

    I personally prefer the Forum environment, our forum works well, and it’s all out in the open for all to see and judge.

    The forum is a lot like football in Boot came, the Shirts against the Skins, ya’all can choose up sides as it suits you, topic by topic, but basically, we’re all Marines first and foremost and we should never forget it.

    Tex, you’ve never come at me, and I don’t believe that’s your style, I haven’t read the post in question, and I don’t have to. I really don’t care who’s right or wrong here. I choose to side with Bones on this issue because I respect him, and he has brought an issue to the table that is worthy of our immediate attention.

    If Bones feels that he’s been assaulted, then he was assaulted, plane and simple. It may only be his perception, but that doesn’t make any difference.

    It’s not a question of who may be right and who may be wrong. It may not have been your intention, and you may not even understand what it was that pulled the trigger, sometimes SH!T just happens.

    Point is, we understand that we all have a place here, and we respect each for his or her Contributions, and we move on. Sometimes we just have to agree to disagree and let it go at that.

    Even I can be an idiot on a bad day, and I hope you folks won’t Lock & Unload on me, if and when it happens.

    Remember, Rum & Grenades don’t mix well until ignited.

    Bones is correct, frontal assaults are reserved for our enemy not our fellow Marines.

    We must look out for our own.

    Semper Fi,
    Bob Neener

  12. #12
    Guest Free Member
    At any rate, this seems to be a dead horse and there's no point in beating it any more
    Well said Barrio Rat. You all enjoy yourselves with the whinning
    and lies. :rolleyes: Been at this duty station for 2 years now and
    I just got my orders. Semper Fi!

  13. #13


    A few posts have been deleted. They were directed at individuals and pretty much called people out. Once again it has no place on these boards. You gotta personal problem with someone, then email or PM them directly. You WILL NOT use these boards to fight amongst each other.

    Shaffer OUT!

  14. #14
    Registered User Free Member Barrio_rat's Avatar
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    What an honor it is for me to let you all know that my post was deleted. This is too great! Yes, it's funny. For those that got to read my post. If I offended, I'm very sorry... It was not my intention. For those that did not have the opportunity to read it. I think LadyLeathernecks quote is best. It's a dead horse and does not need to be beaten any more. My question for all of you is; Is there anything on this site, anywhere, that is so important that it would stop your life as you know it? You still have what matters in life! Let's carry on Marines... You don't have to like one another, but you do need to respect one another. There is no Marine that comes to this site that I don't have respect for.

    Semper Fi!

  15. #15

    Well Doctor Bones

    Your medicine seems to be taking affect, you've got us all thinking. I bet you would have made one damn good company Gunny.

    The problem we all have here is the lack of eye contact. Words can all too often be taken harshly, or too literally, when there was no real intention on the part of the writer.

    One of the things I have always been able to count on from a Marine, besides covering my backside, is that I always get a straight answer, A Marine will always give it to you as straight as he sees it, however there are times when you’ll also get what some may perceive to be a warped opinion. I really don’t want this to change.

    Back in my Marine Corps days we harassed each other all the time, sometimes it got low down and dirty, we shoveled out a ton SH!T, and got back twice our allotment.

    In my 4 years, I never had one beef that couldn’t be settled with a cold beer and a little Bull Sh!T session.

    Barndog brought up a good point; behind the screen we are isolated and alone. It is only when we interact that we feel together, and sometimes that interaction equates to power, and some may relish the power of the word a little too much.

    I sometimes see others trying to be more literate than their ability permits, I also see some who try to inject humor with poor results, I’m guilty of that at times when I haven’t really thought about what it was I was trying to say. This is human in every respect, but the unedited speech often leaves the audience with an entirely wrong impression.

    Most professional or topic related Forums have rules of engagement that would restrict and or prohibit most of what we all do here. I’m not one for unnecessary rules and regs, and I’m not suggesting we start any, I want a natural exchange without restrictions, but I do have one rule that helps me keep it straight.

    I prepare most of my posts in a word document, I write my thoughts and then edit for content, once I feel that I’ve covered what it was I was trying to say, and have determined that I wasn’t banging away at Brother in a way that is unproductive, I cut and paste it into the thread.

    As a light weight Marine, unless it’s a gunfight, I don’t pack enough of a punch anymore to stop the average aggressor from coming back at me. So I’m left with only one option, Kill with my first blow. This has kept me out of a lot of unnecessary brawls and has forced me to fall back on reason and logic.

    These days I prefer my Rum without the Grenade chaser!

    Semper Fi,

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