'White supremacy' is the left's hammer, and you're the nail
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  1. #1

    'White supremacy' is the left's hammer, and you're the nail

    by Patricia McCarthy

    The Trump presidency sent the left into paroxysms of hysterical terror. How could that self-made billionaire beat their beloved and prototypically corrupt Hillary? Everyone knows they cheated in 2016, too, but they seriously underestimated Trump's popularity.

    Thus, the Russia hoax , begun during the campaign, was escalated. It was an entirely fabricated story that they were certain would take Trump out hopefully before his inauguration. That didn't happen, so they kept it up for years until the truth of their grand plan emerged.
    In the meantime, they perfected their systems of perpetrating election fraud by 2020. The fix was in. The perpetually nasty Biden was installed by a cabal who knew well that he was suffering from dementia but thought they could manage him as they moved ahead with the Obama agenda: destroy America as founded. Eric Hoffer was prescient when he observed long ago that "nowhere at present is there such a measureless loathing of their country by educated people as in America."

    Along the way, though, far too many of the American people refused to go along with their carefully crafted plans. Millions never believed the Russia hoax or any of the other invented tales of suspect criminality with which the left tried to malign President Trump. They knew better, in part because common sense still prevails in some quarters outside the D.C. swamp and both coasts. What to do about those Trump people? Easy: Accuse them all of being white supremacists. That will stick. So the talking points were distributed, and in the blink of an eye, all Trump supporters were and are white supremacists. The defund the police campaign relied on the false meme that all cops are white supremacists, even those who are black. Larry Elder, a beloved California conservative, was labeled "the black face of white supremacy" as he ran to unseat the loathsome Gavin Newsom. That was the L.A. Times!

    With COVID came a whole new list of reasons to indict millions of Americans as white supremacists. If one opposed the lockdowns? White supremacist! Oppose the vaccines and vaccine mandates? White supremacist! Oh, and oppose that vicious racist nonsense known as Critical Race Theory? White supremacists of the worst kind. Oppose masking children? White supremacists.

    Their accusations don't have to make sense. In their minds, the accusation is enough, no evidence, no proof required. Oppose the Democrats' federal takeover of elections? Whew! That is the worst kind of white supremacy. Never mind that the civil rights and voting rights acts of the 1960s, opposed by most Democrats, have guaranteed every American the right to vote ever since. Support voter ID? Racist white supremacist.

    Canadian truckers who kept working throughout the alleged pandemic but oppose the vax mandates are peacefully protesting with their trucks. Suddenly, these heroes who kept their country's shelves stocked over the past two years are now Nazis and white supremacists. Ridiculous. Those truckers are channeling Albert Camus, who wrote, "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion."

    There is of course no white supremacist movement in America, not since the KKK was prosecuted into extinction. Joe Biden comes closer than anyone else in Congress to being an actual white supremacist, since Robert Byrd, his mentor, died. Biden's record of racist statements should have kept him from running for any office in the land, but his kind of overt racism is rare. Common is the Democrat party's brand of racism — their bigotry of low expectations. It is the Democrats who think, as Kamala Harris asserted, that blacks don't have computers or know where the DMV is. It is Democrats who think blacks cannot succeed without some kind of affirmative action.

    The oh, so woke implementation of Diversity, Inclusion, Equity as required policy is just more of the left's innate racism on parade. Teach every black and brown person that he is a victim of a racist society, that he will never achieve the American dream, and what do you get? You get Black Lives Matter and the left's embrace of that group's violence. Oppose the Soros-subsidized no bail nonsense that keeps putting violent criminals back on the streets, and you are definitely a white supremacist. Excusing crime and violence makes the left feel so good, like saints — the opposite of those law-and-order white supremacists.

    What does the left's whole-hearted obsession with the use and abuse of the phrase "white supremacy" as the go-to denunciation of any and all persons who oppose their official narrative mean in the grand scheme of things? It reveals leftists' own lack of character. It means they are desperate. They've lost the power game they play, the only game they know. Their globalist tactics have failed; free people around the world want to remain free, and that is not part of their plan. Lacking common sense themselves, they are gobsmacked that truckers are loaded with it, as are the vaccine-hesitant along with lockdown and mask opponents.

    Trump supporters have common sense. They can see clearly that this country was far better managed under Trump than Biden. We were energy independent; now we are not. The economy was healthy; now it is not. Inflation is killing us. Afghanistan was a catastrophic global mistake. Our border was under control; now it is open to at least three million unvetted migrants who have entered the U.S. in just a year. War may be imminent between Russia and Ukraine unless Putin is head-faking Biden. Either way, every leader on the planet knows that Biden is the weakest president in U.S. history.

    That is why, to the left, we are all white supremacists now. It's their last gasp of an ideology based on nothing but the quest for power over the people.

    white_supremacy_is_the_lefts_hammer_and_youre_the_ nail.html

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  2. #2
    Marine Family Free Member Mistybluelady's Avatar
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    Jun 2005
    The trucker protest in our capital Ottawa was quite the amazing event...I was there in weekends. All was good ,friendly,safe,happy people with the same thought our freedoms and rights under our charter. And then it went bad the Saturday evening...I'm on the fence with my thoughts that most if those officers were not actually officers . Most had unusual uniforms with no badge #.
    However we came out ok in this fight, but I believe the battle has just started.
    Keep safe

    Disregard spelling please .

  3. #3
    I wouldn't be at all surprised of that Misty... Paid goons from the Dictator...


  4. #4
    Marine Family Free Member Mistybluelady's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    My friends 2 hrs north of me said that there were 2 UN planes on the tarmac in north bay....which might account for the strange uniforms i saw but idk. As Canadians are usually very quiet people it was nice so many stood up.

  5. #5
    • In late 2019, Canada and China signed a treaty that allows the People’s Liberation Army of China to station Chinese troops in Canada, beginning in 2020. It has long been rumored that China has been massing troops in southern Mexico. But the rumors that Chinese troops had set up bases in Canada was pretty much laughed off until video emerged of Chinese troops marching along a road in Salt Spring Island, near Vancouver, British Columbia.

    • What are Chinese troops doing on the US border in British Columbia, Canada?

    According to a January 15, 2020 Canadian Independent Press Review report: “Under the terms of the Foreign Investment Protection Act (FIPA), a bi-lateral treaty ratified with China by the Trudeau government in 2019, Chinese security forces can be stationed on Canadian soil to protect vital Chinese investments, without the knowledge or consent of local authorities.”

    • Why would Prime Minister Justin Trudeau enter such a treaty? Does Canada not have its own military to “protect vital Chinese investments?” Or was Trudeau paid off by China to betray the United States like this?

    • According to British Columbia locals, PLA troops are troops being stationed in Stanley Park in Vancouver pending the construction of a permanent base. Stanley Park is now off limits to Canadians, as enforced by Vancouver police. One Canadian citizen is quoted as saying: “You got ‘em (PLA Troops) all over the coast, man, based outta Prince Rupert. A bunch of their military intel people work outta their consulate in town (Vancouver) and they can airlift the assault troops here in an hour, is what I been told.”

    • Hal Turner of the Hal Turner Radio Show notes that there was a news story a few weeks ago about how the U.S. military is redeploying F-22’s and F-35 jets to Alaska. An ABC News story in March noted that President Trump had authorized the activation of a million U.S. military reservists. Were these counter-moves to prepare the U.S. for a Chinese invasion from Western Canada?

    • Over the summer, the U.S. west coast has seen ferocious wildfires that have burned millions acres and destroyed tens-of-thousands of American homes, (fires that seemed to stop at the Canadian border). Were these fires orchestrated to chase the population away from the U.S. West Coast? Dutchsinse.com stumbled upon ‘environmental videos’ from US satellites that picked up literal “beams” in the near-infra-red spectrum being fired into the wildfires. When these ‘directed energy weapon’ beams hit, the fires would immediately spread and grow in intensity. People on the ground have also taken pictures of these energy beams coming from the sky to create or spread wildfires.

    • Secretary of Defense Mark Esper has revealed that China and Russia have “weaponized space”. In an address to an Air Force conference, Esper said that China and Russia are employing “asymmetric capabilities”, stating that they have “weaponized space” with “directed energy weapons.” An image of a car taken at the site of a wildfire shows how the wheels on the car had actually melted. How can burning wood melt steel? It can’t. The burn temperature doesn’t get hot enough. But a directed energy weapon could do it.

    • China knows that American citizens are armed to the teeth under the Second Amendment. Is their strategy to decrease the American population on the West Coast so they won’t be facing so many of those armed citizens? Are they softening-up the West Coast for invasion? Are the Chinese bringing in military equipment such as tanks, armored personnel carriers, self-propelled artillery, helicopters and planes as well?

    • It would seem implausible that the Chinese military could amass the number of troops it would take to stage a US invasion from British Columbia without the US being aware of it and ready. But Dr. Michael Salla suggests another purpose for the Chinese being stationed in Canada: “It is more likely that Chinese troops are being pre-positioned for some kind of false flag event that devastates U.S. infrastructure, such as an asteroid impact or an EMP attack, where they stream over the border for ‘humanitarian assistance’, rather than an outright invasion.” These troops could be a vanguard to enter the U.S. under the guise of humanitarian assistance, be in a position to incapacitate key communications centers and power grids, and then open the door to the main Chinese ground invasion.

    As the deep state has already infiltrated the hard-line Chinese government and military, what measures are the Alliance white hats taking to counter this move? Defeating the deep state, converting the world’s financial system, and replacing the corrupted communist PRC with a Gesara Republic under President Xi would certainly do the job.

    Last edited by FoxtrotOscar; 02-24-22 at 02:18 PM.

  6. #6
    Well, I know that I don't trust any Country anymore. That includes America. I think that after watching everything going on , knowing there will be far reaching consequences.......I think my first step is to get any money I have out of the Banking system.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Mistybluelady View Post
    My friends 2 hrs north of me said that there were 2 UN planes on the tarmac in north bay....which might account for the strange uniforms i saw but idk. As Canadians are usually very quiet people it was nice so many stood up.
    There's video of the UN planes on the tarmac.
    And the fact that those goons had uniforms with no name or insignia on them is very suspicious to say the least.

    As Billy said, we can't trust anyone anymore, other than our brothers and sisters in arms.

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