This is why Racism is alive and thriving in America.....Read this Bullshet....
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  1. #1

    This is why Racism is alive and thriving in America.....Read this Bullshet....

    J.D. Vance’s Empathy for Kyle Rittenhouse Is Revolting

    Kali Holloway
    ·6 min read

    Photo Illustration by The Daily Beast/Photos Getty Images

    If you haven’t been paying attention, you might be forgiven for mistaking the latest Twitter thread from newly converted Trump worshipper and flailing Senate candidate J.D. Vance for a compassionate, if woefully misguided, defense of the country’s most vulnerable.
    “We leave our boys without fathers,” the Hillbilly Elegy writer and Peter Thiel protege said in a tweet. “We let the wolves set fire to their communities. And when human nature tells them to go and defend what no one else is defending, we bring the full weight of the state and the global monopolists against them.”
    Hypocrite’s Elegy: J.D. Vance Is an Avatar of GOP Corruption

    Vance could have been empathizing with Black and brown kids in underserved neighborhoods who, multiple studies show, respond to the psychological strain of over-policing by acting out. He could have been emphasizing the humanity of Black parents disproportionately criminalized by a racist justice system that takes them away from their children and communities. He could have been noting that those involved in community uprisings against police abuse and political repression often face harm from state-backed agents willing to use any violent means necessary to disempower them.
    But Vance wasn’t talking about any of those people or things. He was empathizing with Kyle Rittenhouse, the white 18-year-old currently on trial for intentional homicide after fatally gunning down Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber last summer and on charges of criminal violence related to his shooting that same night of a third person, Gaige Grosskreutz.
    Vance has no empathy to spare for the Kenosha, Wisconsin, residents who live with the consistent low-grade terror of racialized police violence—as manifest in the seven point-blank shots fired by Officer Rusten Sheskey into Jacob Blake, leaving him paralyzed, and which catalyzed anti-racist protests in the city. Those residents, sneers Vance, were “lawless thugs” trying to destroy Rittenhouse’s “community.” It is a blatant statement of support for racist foot soldiers and a justification of whatever violence they inflict.
    Rittenhouse crossed state lines with his mother, menacingly entered a protest crowd wielding an illegal semiautomatic weapon he thought “looked cool,” shot three men including two from the community he invaded, and later claimed self-defense despite being the “only person who killed anyone” among hundreds of others who were out that night in Kenosha. Hours after entering entering his not guilty plea, Rittenhouse, who is not old enough to legally drink without his complicit mom by his side, went to a bar and took pictures with fascist Proud Boys while flashing white power symbols and wearing a shirt that read “FREE AS ****.”
    Kyle Rittenhouse Cries on Stand as Potential Mistrial Looms in Murder Saga
    That young man is who Vance labels a heroic “baby boy,” and whose murderous actions he suggests “patriots” should defend and potentially follow. Just after Rittenhouse’s testimony—during which he appeared too choked up to speak, even as his face remained tear-free—Fox personality Jeanine Pirro called him “a good kid… who can grow up and have a moral core.” (She’d previously described Rittenhouse as “an innocent man, he’s looking to help, he’s all-American, and he’s trying to just make sure his town is safe.”) Tucker Carlson has said Rittenhouse “had to maintain order when no one else would.”
    Hearing right-wing boosters attribute innocence and purity of motive to Rittenhouse, it’s hard not to recognize how those things are consistently denied to Black kids. In states where rightwing perversions of critical race theory have been turned into bans on the teaching of slavery, anti-Black racism, and the legacies of white American supremacy, the argument that history will make victims of white children prevails. The eight states that now legally prohibit a warped version of CRT in classrooms are attempting to ban any lesson that might make white kids feel “discomfort, guilt, anguish and any other form of psychological distress”—painting white children as the potential victims of truthful corrections to America’s whitewashed historical memory. School board members in Virginia are suggesting book-burning and bookshelves are being purged in Kansas to protect white kids’ inherent innocence.
    When CBS asks “How young is too young to learn about racism?” they must know that Black kids learn firsthand about racism without being asked if the timing is convenient, a privilege extended to choosy white parents.
    That courtesy is not provided to Black kids who, studies show, have a “25 percent jump in their likelihood of being diagnosed with a mental illness” because of racial discrimination. Black boys, and especially girls, whose suicide rates are currently increasing—and who now “are about twice as likely to die by suicide as white children of the same age”—do not get the benefits of victimhood conferred on their white peers.
    The adults like Vance who somehow find a “baby boy” with a “moral core” in a young white man who needlessly shot three people, killing two of them, have no capacity for empathy when it comes to Black kids and young adults.
    It’s a lethal blind spot. Isabella Tichenor, a 10-year-old autistic Black girl so cruelly bullied by her Utah classmates that she committed suicide, was insufficiently capable of being seen as a victim by white school officials who reportedly refused to intervene in response to her pleas.
    Black children are far more likely to be punished with expulsion and suspension by school administrators who too often can only view them as perpetrators. America’s criminal justice system disproportionately tries Black kids as adults and sentences them to time behind bars, while letting kids like Rittenhouse go free. And study after study finds that Black kids are seen as angrier by teachers, as less innocent by cops (like the one who told Rittenhouse he was “appreciated,” later bypassing him after he’d killed two people), and as incapable of experiencing the same physical pain as white kids by doctors. The adultification of Black kids steals any notion of their victimhood away.
    The Pain Gap: Why Doctors Offer Less Relief to Black Patients
    The word “victim” is also what three white killers asked a Georgia court not to use in reference to Ahmaud Arbery, the young Black jogger they boasted of having “trapped like a rat” before shooting him dead in the street. But while the judge in the case rightly rejected that appeal, a seemingly sympathetic court has agreed to Rittenhouse’s demand that the word “victim” not be used to describe the people Rittenhouse fatally shot. The term “looter” was sanctioned instead.
    I think our people hate the right people,” Vance said in a recent interview. Whether said out of political expediency or not, the impact of Vance’s words is the same. He is being transparent about who deserves to be regarded as a full person, whose basic humanity cannot be questioned, whose decency remains intact despite their struggles and foibles—and whose does not.
    That idea is repeated in the words of Josh Hawley, who while literally claiming he was not saying men are victims, declared men victims of modern society; or Paul Gosar, who retweeted a video of himself killing of a congresswoman of color months after he called for the head of the officer who shot white Capitol insurrectionist Ashli Babbitt; or Tucker Carlson, who once suggested George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Jacob Black deserved what they got, but remains adamant in his defense of a white kid who killed two people.
    These people are just saying the quiet part out loud—louder and louder, and again and again.

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  2. #2
    And yet we have so many veterans that allow this type stuff to continue to grow in the country they claim to love. That dude was and is still a threat to any decent person. He believes in racism, supports racism and is applauded by racists. Anyone that thinks he should not get the death penalty, and his demon of a mother should not get prison time for taking him with a gun, cares more about preserving white privilege than promoting justice.

  3. #3
    Marine Free Member m14ed's Avatar
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    Chaos, Massachusetts
    BillyMongoose's always posting 'silly$hit
    articles in here to provoke thoughts and
    draw out opinions

    the ignorance you've displayed,
    in your profile ,and by your posting.

    show your complete lack of

    get lost -wannabe-

    we don't even want you trying to-
    "tell it to the Marines"

    you are more of a bigot than you
    portend him to be

  4. #4
    This thread will be closed until certain posters can be vetted as to their claim of being a Marine...

    Nuff said...

  5. #5
    Len P.....this is a United States Marine Corps Site. It is not for a person that went in the Corps in 1988 and is still in the Corps and lo and behold is still an E-1. Doubtful to say the least. Also, what we allow to keep happening is Patriotic Justice. In other words, if you want to run the streets acting like a bad azz, beating someone in the head with a skate board or pointing a pistol at someone, and that someone has an AR-15 and "Balls", then you have just been provided what you asked for.....DUHHHHHHH.

  6. #6
    Another thing Len P....there is no White privilege on this site. We struggled as much,as black men in our age range. As a matter of fact, most black men our age aren't racist and feel pity for younger blacks such as yourself. What you need to do is quit lying to yourself, quit lying to us, and grow the fvck up.......

  7. #7
    Super Moderator Platinum Member USMC 2571's Avatar
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    On his profile, Len P (Len Phillips) changed his name to Mike Winters.
    He also, on his profile, before being banned, used some choice words when he was routinely asked for very basic information such as duty stations etc.

    Last edited by USMC 2571; 11-13-21 at 09:58 PM.

  8. #8
    Dave, as with most radical misfits.....talking shet is being tough.

  9. #9
    Super Moderator Platinum Member USMC 2571's Avatar
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    New communications from our new friend express much outrage and anger, just because his views were not met with wholehearted agreement here. Most psychocrats, though, find it very difficult to control their thoughts and emotions. This is the norm in 2021.

  10. #10
    Thread is re-opened...

  11. #11
    Since this poor abused black Marine is gone now, I will post the message he sent me. Of course black people are not racist, only Whites.....
    whatever colonizer

    Get the **** out of here you KKK supporting *****. Your white ass has not even come close to struggling as much as black men. But I pray your children and grandchildren do. **** you and this pansy ass website. I see you forgot your oath. Im not about to go posting a profile of my life just to look on this website. Keep justifying white terrorism and see how it effects you in the end. When black people start doing white terrorist, such as the KKK, proud hillbillies, patriotic rednecks, and any other white is right person, then yall gonna wanna call us animals. Just as white people did the Native Americans when they started trying to protect themselves from your demon ancestors. I joined the Corps just to make sure I got the same combat training as white guys in case I need to protect my friends and family against one of yall's many whites only groups.

  12. #12
    Super Moderator Platinum Member USMC 2571's Avatar
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    Like I said, unable to control thoughts and emotions, same as a baby in a high chair throwing a little tantrum.
    We should have a special section here just for psychocrat temper tantrums.

  13. #13
    What our little splib brother doesn't know; I joined the cops when I came home from the Nam so that I could learn all about the blackist so that if/when they wanted to start another riot I would know how they think and organize.

    I've met many many panthers over the years who would challenge me and in the end I'd have the entire crowd of blackist laughing at them. I knows how y'all think our little splib brother and if you weren't an 03 you didn't take the same training as us, y'all don't have a chance.

    You had the chance to become an American with your MC training; yet it's obvious that you have chosen the dark side with your racism. Remember this, we were here long before you and with your poisonous nature we'll be here long after you're gone. Just saying.

  14. #14
    Marine Free Member gkmoz's Avatar
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    Len P. "That dude was and is still a threat to any decent person."
    Key words ....Decent person....That kid has more testicles than some I was in the Marines with!

    A convicted pedophile & the other a multiple rapist ! and you think them decent people?

    They Earned where they are right now! your sympathies are noted!

  15. #15
    Marine Free Member gkmoz's Avatar
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    Northeast ,Ohio
    Quote Originally Posted by advanced View Post
    What our little splib brother doesn't know; I joined the cops when I came home from the Nam so that I could learn all about the blackist so that if/when they wanted to start another riot I would know how they think and organize.

    I've met many many panthers over the years who would challenge me and in the end I'd have the entire crowd of blackist laughing at them. I knows how y'all think our little splib brother and if you weren't an 03 you didn't take the same training as us, y'all don't have a chance.

    You had the chance to become an American with your MC training; yet it's obvious that you have chosen the dark side with your racism. Remember this, we were here long before you and with your poisonous nature we'll be here long after you're gone. Just saying.

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