Read this my Brothers and let us know what you think........
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  1. #1

    Read this my Brothers and let us know what you think........

    It's a sad day in America, "The Land of the Free", when the largest social network in the World, will ban a person for posting the indisputable truth about a Communist Nation. We are in a world of Shet, if we don't start backing up our anger and frustrations with action, instead of Ho-Hum words. I have been around for 73 years. I've seen a lot and learned a lot. Most of us here on LN know world history. Both by schooling and by personal involvement. A lot of us fought the Communist. Many died by their hands. Today my Brothers, we have Radical Muslims, Communist, Socialist, Progressives, Radical Extremist, and people that just Hate White People. Especially, White Christians. Christians in general, are targeted in every area of the world. We absolutely know, without a doubt, how the destruction of Freedom and Free Will, starts and spreads. Already we are being censured and being charged with crimes, for expressing our "Freedom of Speech", and our right to pursue happiness. Free will is only free if the radical left says it is. Freedom of speech only applies to the Radical left. I don't know when we will decide to stand up......but, I know this....our Grand Children will pay the ultimate price if we don't stand up now. Most of us won't be around here much longer. Very few will give a shet, our memory will fade away. But, our Love of America and our family and friends, and their fate rests in our hands. How we are remembered is up to us......

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  2. #2
    What I think and what I have said in the past, it's all about total domination and control of our country...

    The communist/Socialist have taken over and Indoctrinating our school's since the early 60's and then completely when they created the Board of Education "Indoctrination"...

    Total control, Power and Money is absolute...

  3. #3
    The media, Big tech, and the progressive liberals are all working together, and that's why they are winning.
    Until enough people on "our side" are wiling to work together and use violence to turn the tide, the disintegration of America is going to continue.
    One or ten of us is not enough. We will be branded as radicals, lunatics, or terrorists, and killed or imprisoned.
    The thing to remember is that a percentage of the people out there just "do what they are told", never questioning anything, and certainly never questioning authority. How can you get rid of the azzholes in charge when your 500 neighbors who live around you just go along with whatever they are told to do by those in charge?
    And yes, our grandkids will be the ones suffering the most.

  4. #4
    the world leaders, IMHO, have been bound and determined to "recreate" the FEUDAL systems of old, with THEM being the "ruling class", and the remainder (US) reduced to peasants, fit only to work to support our betters.... I really don't care for that idea

    Si vis pacem, para bellum

  5. #5
    We fought in a war on the other side of the world, over fifty years ago. The enemy was the same as now. Only this time,they are coming at us from within. Maybe we were just training for this one. Bill

  6. #6
    Thanks to my p.t.s.d. , it was only yesterday !!!

  7. #7
    Marine Free Member SGTGoody's Avatar
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    Jan 2009
    Wenatchee, Washington USA
    Yes indeed, the world is changing. Whites, Christians are indeed becoming the minority. I can only hope that these folks rising don't treat the old majority as they were treated by them. I have great hope in the younger, better-educated future generations.

    "A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it.”
    ― Max Planck, Scientific Autobiography and Other Papers

  8. #8
    SGT. Goody, I would love for you to enlighten us on how bad we White Christians have treated the so called "rising folks". Surely a man of your extensive education and experience, isn't insinuating that the liberally indoctrinated youth of today will lead us to the promised land. We would love to hear what you think their plan for America is.

  9. #9
    Billy, you are negating the NEW reality of America. It appears that the formerly oppressed are now rising up and soon they will be dominant and running the show, a NEW America has a ring to it, don't fight it. We can only hope that we will not be judged by the sins of our fathers, grandfathers, and on and on. If we are, so be it.

    These radicals, communists and extremest only exist within our demented personal realities, to the MAJORItY, we are the problem. We must embrace the way our children are being educated, they are not being radicalized, theirs is the correct way. Though we believe in FREE speech, to others our speech is hurtful and simply a lie.

    We Marines are/were America's elite, we are/were the top rung of its warrior class. In a global world we are no longer needed. We must learn to accept the fact that the new world before us is one in which we all will be equal, of course some of us must be more equal than others to deal out order and justice. Of course justice in the future will be quite different simply because we cannot allow deviant thinkers the ability to make others feel uncertain about themselves. Think of the harmony in the world we are entering.

    There's a lot to be said for "educated" sense as compared to common sense. In a world where everyone is equal in every way and the path forward is known, it is easy to realize that we have outgrown what WE call uncommon sense.

    We are now considered the trouble makers and UN-AMERICAN simply because we believe in the OLD America, but as has been said one day we will be gone and the country will be transformed without firing a shot. A speaker for the USSR once said "we will bury you." Is this transformation really that bad?

    Of course I will never see this new world, I will fight to my death for Freedom and the America we fought for when we were young. This fight is so much more important, it's for the future of our still great country. I'm not a radical, I'm a freedom loving American that has never, and never will bend a knee.

    As an 0311, I never had the opportunity in the Nam to convince our enemies to come over to our side, so I just shot them. I'm still here. Just saying.

  10. #10
    Have you noticed that the words Educated, Indoctrination, Communist are all linked together. Ask Recon, S.O.G. , and You'll never know. About the camps along the Ho Chi Minh trail. Bill

  11. #11
    Unfortunately for the USA, "common sense" packed up and left, lock, stock, and barrel a long time ago....

    Si vis pacem, para bellum

  12. #12
    Thing is Brothers, we Marines from the old school did not specify in our Oath that we would protect America from any individual scenario. We stated we would fight to preserve Freedom in America. It makes no difference if it's an invading communist Nation or our own Progressively inclined Government. Freedom as defined in the Constitution is non negotiable. It is an infringement on Freedom if it's meaning is altered or it's interpretation redefined. When we fight for Freedom, we are fighting for the lives of our families and friends and for the lives of all Americans that love Freedom. In other words we will use our blessed Marine training to cause serious damage to those who need an attitude adjustment......just saying.....

  13. #13
    Marine Free Member m14ed's Avatar
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    Aug 2008
    Chaos, Massachusetts
    Did you say control ???

    you wont even see Xi's lips move -
    OR the brownstain he has almost
    out to his elbow.........

    ANYBODY seen Hunter lately ?

  14. #14
    I do hope Xi washes his hand and arm before he eats.... just sayin.... he needs to change his shirt too.....

    Si vis pacem, para bellum

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