Taking a life
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Thread: Taking a life

  1. #1

    Taking a life

    I know that Leatherneck.com is mainly for posting information about Military life and political news. I would like to post something that we all should be aware of. Partial birth Abortion. Taking the life of a baby that is fully formed just because the mother doesn't want it. This baby who has done no wrong, never ask to come into this world, was conceived by the act of two people. Has no right to life because our laws allow this. Where are the Lawyers when this baby life is taken, to me this is the same as murder, taking a life same as if I went out an shot one of my kids that I didn't want. feed back Please.

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  2. #2
    I'm in agreement. If the child is mere moments away from normal autonamous existence, free from the uteris of his or her mother, then to kill the baby IS murder in my book. At that point, there is little further danger to the mother's body from the birth process. Partial birth abortion only benefits the doctor who charges the mother for services, and the research labs which buy the remains for scientific use of the stem cells.

    I'm sure I've oversimplified it, and don't have the medical knowledge to make concise assessments, but I know that if the last portion of the not yet "born" baby slips out, it is murder at that point to take its life. To hold the baby's head in the birthcanal, and prevent the final separation in order to meet legal criteria and end its life, is murder of the foulest type.

    We each, deep in our hearts, know when something is right or wrong, regardless of what popular opinions or fads dictate. The doctor who performs the "operation" of partial birth abortion, must wonder what those scissors would feel like, if they were poised at the back of his or her head, and about to plunge into the corpus calloseum, ending existence.


  3. #3
    Registered User Free Member leroy8541's Avatar
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    If you get a chance find the clip called silent scream if I find it I will post the addy.

  4. #4
    Registered User Free Member leroy8541's Avatar
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    the address is www.silentscream.org

  5. #5
    Good post!

    Support your local organization that helps mothers/fathers to be to make the right choice for the child's life and future as well as their own.

  6. #6
    I'm against abortion,(just because ).I realise there are factors that,a DR.should make the call,make it nessary.
    I've raised 10 kids, some times thought I'd get rid of them myself
    but they are all grown with kids of their own.I took coustady of my 6 yr old grandson so you see their worth all the heart ache, trouble Would I do it again?NO I would have been spaded after no.4 ha ha YES I WOULD


  7. #7
    Marine Free Member btrogu's Avatar
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    I belive in a woman's choice. But maybe there should be a time frame on when an abortion should be illeagal. The photo that usmc 4669 sent, do they really do that here? I thought that was only done in China. I cant belive if they do it here that the press didn't pick up on that.

  8. #8
    Registered User Free Member jdfairman's Avatar
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    I believe in choice as well. If a couple does not want to be blessed with children, perhaps they should make the CHOICE to exercise a little self-discipline and not put themselves in a position (no pun intended) to be parents.
    My wife and I found out recently that we are "parents to be". She is ecstatic; I'm pretty happy but still a bit overwhelmed. I feel pretty confident that we'll make great parents and raise our children to aspire to the values set forth in the Holy Bible and the Marine Corps Manual.
    The point is I don't see how anybody in any position can view a child (even an unborn one) as a "choice". Unless the woman's life is in danger and can truly be saved by a procedure, abortion of a child is definitely one of mankind's most gruesome, horrible abominations yet.
    For goodness sake, what kind of a chickensh-t society have we turned into?

  9. #9
    btrogu: wrote: "I thought that was only done in China. I cant belive if they do it here that the press didn't pick up on that."
    I hate to say this, but yes they do this here in America, as for the Press, they have mentioned it but they try to play this down, a lot of our press are Liberials.


  10. #10

    The illustration is correct, from what I've read and heard about the procedure. Thats why its called "partial birth abortion", because the baby is partway out into the open air when the deed is done. It is partially born, but not legally recognized as having been "BORN", because it never completely clears the birth canal before its head is punctured by the abortionist.

    Check out the web address which leroy8541 posted above, then make up your own mind. It is interesting that Marines and other American ground and air units, were called "baby killers" during Vietnam, and suffered verbal and psychological abuse for it. The killer veteran stigma is being used again today concerning our current operation, by some left wing anti-war groups. However, the practioners of abortion are protected by law enforcement because they "provide a legal service" to the public. Rather ironic, isn't it.


  11. #11


    If you harm one of my little ones, it would be better for you to tie a mill stone around your neck and go drown. I think Jesus said something like that.....This is an issue that needed to be put on here.....Because, I'm so amazed at the intelligence level of the men/women on this site. Truly I am. It blows my brain housin' group sometimes. Good Post Gunny.....

  12. #12
    JD, congrats! My daughter turns 1 in 2 weeks, while at times she is more challenging that boot camp, she also brings more joy and happiness into our lives then I ever would have thought possible.

    As to the rest of the topic, I agree, this is nothing more than murder! If the mother does not want to keep the child, then put it up for adoption, give the child to someone who wants it. I know of several couples who would love to have a child, are trying, but so far without success, and would probably consider adoption were it not for the costs involved and the wait time. I am sure that is a better solution then medically un-necessary abortions!

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