Marine D.I.'s physically and mentally abusive
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  1. #1

    Marine D.I.'s physically and mentally abusive

    • The Marine Corps is still grappling with issues of abuse among its drill instructors, The Washington Post reported Wednesday.
    • Documents detailing investigations into various incidents obtained by the Post revealed that Marine Corps drill instructors at Parris Island in South Carolina have been humiliating, physically assaulting, and even endangering recruits.
    • The Marine Corps has been trying to eliminate hazing, abuse and unnecessary cruelty from its training centers since the death of Raheel Siddiqui three years ago, but the problem persists.
    • Visit INSIDER's homepage for more stories.
    The US Marine Corps continues to grapple with hazing at its storied recruit training center at Parris Island in South Carolina, where the service punished at least eight drill instructors and a number of officers for abusive behavior last year, the Washington Post reported Wednesday, citing multiple internal investigations.
    The incidents uncovered by the Post involved female drill instructors in the 4th Recruit Training Battalion mistreating female recruits. Battalion drill instructors reportedly humiliated, physically assaulted, and even endangered recruits.
    These incidents come despite the Corps' best efforts to curb these unacceptable and dangerous practices.
    In one situation, a drill instructor allegedly made a recruit put "feces soiled underwear" on her head.
    The DI acknowledged the incident but stressed that the dirty underwear, which the recruit reportedly left under her bed, did not contain any feces. "I was speaking hypothetically and failed to handle the situation with a clear mind through frustration," the drill instructor said, according to documents obtained by the Post. "I was not trying to embarrass the recruit and more so wanted her to understand why and how it wasn't acceptable.
    That incident, which occurred in May 2018, sparked an investigation, one that came on the heels of another investigation following reports that a drill instructor had "roughed up," as the Post described it, several recruits, even going so far as to threaten to break one of their necks.
    Another reported case involved a drill instructor forcing female recruits to repeatedly suffer the effects of CS tear gas in a chamber. While the facility is normally used to introduce recruits to the effects tear gas, recruits are typically only required to enter the chamber once.
    In total, the Post discovered more than 20 incidents of hazing and abuse at Parris Island and the Marine Corps' West Coast recruit training center in California over the past seven years.
    By the far the most serious incident involved former Gunnery Sgt. Joseph Felix, who was sentenced to 10 years in prison after abusing recruits at Parris Island. He was accused of physically assaulting recruits, as well as targeting Muslims like 20-year-old Pakistani-American recruit Raheel Siddiqui, who fell to his death after Felix physically struck the young man in a 2016 altercation.
    And abuse goes well beyond the scope of the recently uncovered investigations. In 2012, a recruit had to get skin grafts due to chemical burns suffered after a drill instructor forced him to train in unsafe conditions. The instructor, former Sgt. Jeffrey VanDyke, was sentenced to a year in military prison in 2014 for abusive behavior, cruelty, and mistreating recruits.
    The senior officer in charge of Parris Island, Brig. Gen. James Glynn, stressed to the Post, that while problems do occur, there are more than 600 Marines serving as drill instructors and 98 percent of them do their jobs without incident.

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  2. #2
    the only thing I can say is... suck it up cupcake... if you want to be the best, you can't be a twinkie...

  3. #3
    Abuse, that sounds horrible. I sure am glad that in my PI platoon our 5 DI's were nothing but kind to us, of course that was back in 67 way before any of these events.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by advanced View Post
    Abuse, that sounds horrible. I sure am glad that in my PI platoon our 5 DI's were nothing but kind to us, of course that was back in 67 way before any of these events.
    spot on the mark, although I'm a '73 Marine, my DI's were nothing but a total comfort to us, always tucking us in at night and never rousting us out of the rack in the morning, never would they think of "wacking" us upside the head with our rifles when we weren't holding the rifle correctly...

  5. #5
    Whenever we had Sgt Mike, as we called him, on duty he would always sing the Roy Rogers song "Happy Trails" to us to lull us all off to sleep. Another of our DI's always called us "Gentlemen" which I thought was very considerate.

  6. #6
    hahaha... yup for sure and for certain
    download (1).gif

  7. #7
    Super Moderator Platinum Member USMC 2571's Avatar
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    Jun 2007
    Do you remember the many many cookouts at the drill instructor's homes? Of course, they took turns but every weekend we would stay at that particular home and have a cookout, and campfire meetings, and some beer. They would never allow us to become inebriated, but yes, we could and did have a few beers.

    The picnics were huge events, under a series of tents on the parade deck at First Battalion, PI.

  8. #8
    Being that I was in the 3rd herd, on the weekends those of us that became good friends with some of our DI's were given weekend passes to visit the 4th Battalion. Those young ladies really loved us long time and we were able to eat until we were stuffed. I've always had very fond memories of PI, some of the best times of my life.

  9. #9
    Super Moderator Platinum Member USMC 2571's Avatar
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    Same here, Russ---the only time our drill instructors got in trouble was when they coddled us too much and had to be told to make training a big harder, and cut out some of the extra curricular activities.

  10. #10
    Super Moderator Platinum Member USMC 2571's Avatar
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    Correction. There was another time when our drill instructors got into trouble, but not in a big way. The regimental commander came into our barracks unannounced and saw that we ran out of coffee and doughnuts and bagels, and chewed our drill instructors out, but no disciplinary action was taken against them.

  11. #11
    yup, I sure do miss the campouts and roasting hot dogs and marshmallows over an open fire, not to mention the stories our DI's told at that time...

  12. #12
    Marine Platinum Member Zulu 36's Avatar
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    All I can say is I went in KNOWING I was going to be abused physically and verbally. Moreover, my parents also knew it, especially my father. My dad told me, "They're not supposed to eat you or kill you. But everything else is fair game."

    Then there was the letter I wrote home after my first thumping. I thought I was bragging, but my dad thought I was whining. He wrote a letter to my DIs giving them permission to do as they saw fit to me. And, buddy, they did.

    I would have been disappointed if I wasn't treated like dirt and knocked around. I wouldn't have felt like I was a real Marine.

  13. #13
    "I would have been disappointed if I wasn't treated like dirt and knocked around. I wouldn't have felt like I was a real Marine."


  14. #14
    I dated the platoon commanders wife up until graduation, SFMF.

  15. #15
    At MCRDSD, our D.I.'s got together and bought us all sun glasses and sun tan lotion. On the weekends they took us to the beach. We loved it. Had a big bonfire at night, roasted wieners and marshmallows and drank beer. We all told stories about growing up and sang songs. Never forget those good old days.

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