Age Waiver Possibility
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  1. #1

    Age Waiver Possibility

    Hey Everyone,

    I am a high school teacher with a BA in multiple majors and will be 29 in January. However, I am currently working on an orthopedic issue in which I won't be in full form for the next several months which requires postural realignment.

    Coming from a long line of Americans (colonial Dutch on one side and Irish on the other), my family has served and fought going back to the War of 1812 as records show. My grand uncle was an Irish immigrant captured by the Confederates and sent to Andersonville, my great grandfather fought with the Fighting 69th in the trenches of WWI, I had a great-great uncle who got commissioned as a Navy Officer at age 31 and scouted beaches in the Pacific as a Frogman who then worked as an engineer for NASA during the Apollo missions, my great uncle was an Army medic at Pearl Harbor who was then killed at the Battle of Saipan in 1944, both of grandfathers were in the Korean War (2nd ID at Heartbreak Ridge and 7th ID at Chosin). Lastly, my father is a veteran and served FDNY at WTC.

    With an extensive family background, education, work experience, collegiate athletic experience, and an administration adamant on expanding the size, mobility, and lethality of the US military:

    1.What do you think my chances are of getting an age waiver?
    2. What's the oldest waiver you've seen approved (non-prior service)
    3. What were the circumstances of the age-waiver granted to the Marine?

    Thanks, much appreciated.

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  2. #2
    Age waivers are possible, and you won't know until you speak with either a recruiter or OSO. If all else fails, don't write off another branch.

    May I ask what you want to do/get out of the military?


  3. #3
    Thank you for your prompt reply, Mike. Overall, I want to serve in the Reserves (most likely at the 2/25) out of New York. I heard of reservists getting activated to do other MOSs (Embassy, DI, Recruiting) once they get to E4-E5 and may do that while getting leave of absence from being a teacher.

    As of what I want to get out of the military; it's overall service and duty along with a possible pension if I stay long enough. I've traveled to nearly 30 countries and lived in 2 and no other country comes close to protecting individual rights, curing diseases, exploring the universe, philanthropy, and offering a home to those (truly) fleeing persecution like the United States of America. Chiefly, it'd be an honor to serve.

  4. #4
    Marine Platinum Member Zulu 36's Avatar
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    Age waivers are going to hinge strongly on your health and physical fitness. You will also need a medical waiver for your ortho issue.

    As you probably know, 2/25 is an infantry battalion. If you try for an infantry slot, it will be difficult with a past ortho problem. Infantry tears people up in perfect health.

    While you have an esteemed family history of military service, unfortunately that will not even be considered for the waivers.

    If I remember correctly, the oldest age waiver I heard of for enlisted was 30. Officer, likely lower.

    If you get the waivers, you need to understand very many of your NCOs and many company grade officers will be younger than you, less educated than you, but much more experienced.

    Also, if you have more than three dependents (spouse and two kids), that's another waiver. Realistically, the more waivers you need as a 29-year old, the less likely you will be accepted.

    Also, the chances of being accepted into Embassy Guard, DI, or Recruiting as a Reservist are low. They are three-year tours and Embassy Guard watchstanders cannot be married.

  5. #5
    OP.....I'll be honest:

    I've read all your posts in this thread.
    Personally, I think it's far too late.

    I realize the accomplishments you state about your life are important to you but little to none of it would be remotely important to the USMC.
    Now you're 29, a family man, current health issue, mainly an academic and decide you want to earn The Title?....not a good fit to me and a bit irrational.'s a young man's game and your life has long adjusted to a totally different reality that you will facing as a Marine.....with a family and at 29.

    Do what you like but think this through carefully.
    I'd say the ship you now desire to board has sailed long ago.

    Good luck on whatever you decide.....carry on.

  6. #6

    To my knowledge, the USMC is not hurting for able/young bodies to the point they must turn to recruits who fit your category/situation.

    That said, all it costs to talk to a recruiter is your time. Go see what they have to say, and let us know.

    Good luck

  7. #7
    If you really want to do it, it's worth pursuing. A good friend of mine enlisted in his early 30s into the reserves, he did transfer out of the infantry after we got back from overseas, in part because it was too hard on his body.

    You really need to give thought to the enlisted vs officer route though. I imagine an age waiver will be easier to get on the enlisted front, but this is honestly something to bring before an OSO and a recruiter. I think, given your age, being enlisted will be more challenging to you psychologically than being an officer. The Marine Corps is a young branch of service, for the most part (there will be exceptions) your peers will not be your peers outside military life. You are going to be with a bunch of kids, and though you would likely be given the benefit of the doubt by your superiors, that 21 year old Corporal or 22 year old Sergeant really gets to tell you what to do. On the flip side your reserve unit is local, so for example my reserve unit out of the Boston area had no shortage of college students and graduates in our enlisted ranks.

    The big drawback on the officer front is it is going to be much more physically demanding and much more demanding on your time. Officers basically are expected to be PT gods. You better be the first one awake, last one asleep, the fastest rucker, the fastest runner, and so forth. Also, OCS/TBS/IOC are orders of magnitude more physically demanding than Boot/SOI.

    Also don't write off other branches. I just re-joined the military by way of the army guard at 28 years old after a 4 year hiatus from the USMC reserves.


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