Friendly advice needed for a wannabe Marine!
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  1. #1

    Smile Friendly advice needed for a wannabe Marine!

    This is something that has been eating away at me for a while. Ever since I was a little girl, I've wanted to serve in the military. I was blessed with grandparents that served, and a grandmother that worked for the Army for over 30 years. I exercised my passion in doing little things during my youth like being a sea cadet, going to military boarding school, and now doing as much research that I can to make the right path in serving my country.

    I've been in school for a while and will graduate with an AAS soon. After that, I plan to transfer to a four year to get my BS in paralegal studies. I hesitated to enlist when I was younger so I could have some kind of college education. I have spoken with a recruiter from every branch beside the Coast Guard & Navy. I thought that by enlisting in the Army or Air National Guard I would still be able to pursue my legal services career as a civilian. Unfortunately, I had negative experiences with my recruiters. It wasn't that we had a poor relationship, it was more the fact that they were unprofessional. My experience with the Marine recruiter was personal, professional, and reassuring. I have always leaned towards the Marines but never thought I could make the cut. I cannot decide whether or not to go enlisted or to wait & take my chances with PLC/OCS.

    I have a high GPA along with many leadership positions with my school. I have great letters of recommendation, and I take part in my community through volunteering. My fear is that I wait to apply to PLC and do not get contracted, therefore losing time. I am 22 (almost 23), which isn't the end of the world, but I will be 25 by the time I graduate with a BS. A lot can happen in two years.

    I cannot under any circumstances, lose my chance of becoming a Marine. I will regret it for the rest of my life. I need some friendly advice. Should I go enlisted and feed my dream of being a United States Marine now, or should I wait and take my chances with PLC/OCS? I feel I would be a great leader, and I would hope that I could benefit the Corps if I had the chance.


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  2. #2
    Our default answer when the choice is between advanced education and enlisting is always, finish school first. Education is an insurance policy on your future. Your goal should be to have that degree in your hip pocket. Then, look at your options from there. Understand, age is a concern for you.

    As a college student. You should be eligible to talk to an Officer Selection Officer (OSO) in your area. They will be able to assess your potential for being accepted to PLC/OCS. Depending on what they say, you should have a better idea of how to proceed. The recruiter you've been working with will have your OSO's contact info.

    Good luck.

  3. #3
    Marine Free Member m14ed's Avatar
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    truth can not be given any better
    than Tennessee Top

  4. #4
    Super Moderator Platinum Member USMC 2571's Avatar
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    Jun 2007
    Yes. Take the advice and see an Officer Selection Officer. The question of enlisted vs officer comes up a lot here. Take a look at other threads in this section along the same lines. Good luck

  5. #5
    At this point in your education stick with it and try for OCS/PLC. Enlisting will virtually always be an option if that doesnt work.


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