How best to prepare for Recruit Training? - Page 5
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  1. #61
    That makes perfect sense. Up until this point there has never been a reason for me to get it checked out. I have always had this philosophy that I will just ignore the injury until it goes away. Probably not the best for my physical health but I always figured it wasn't too bad and all the would result would be me missing a lot of soccer. Anyway, I now have a reason to get it looked at so I will. I think since it isn't hurting now they will likely just tell me to to work with the muscles and come back if it starts hurting again.
    Thanks for all the information!

  2. #62
    My "preparation" for recruit training consisted of 5 days of around the clock partying and drinking, culminating with Mardi Gras in New Orleans... left for MCRD the next day.....

  3. #63
    So I realize that asking this could lead to an argument but I think everyone on here can handle opinions without personally taking offence. Anyway, I am wondering what you all think about women being allowed in the infantry? I know this very controversial but seeing as I am a woman hoping to go into infantry, I want to know what it will be like. I want to know what people will think. I know a great number of people believe it to be a bad idea to let women into the infantry and I honestly want to know why, I want your opinions, I would appreciate it if they were not rude but I would like the real opinions (like don't leave things out cause they might hurt my feelings or whatever).
    As always, thank you all very much for your time!

  4. #64
    I forgot to say in the other post, please don't just say it's a bad/good idea. That doesn't help, please give reasoning. You don't have to like cite some journal or anything like that, just explain why you think it's good/bad.

  5. #65
    So I have repeatedly heard mention of the fact that you can only be in DEP for 1 year. So what happens if I sign up for DEP on my 17th birthday (mid October) stay in the program until I turn 18 but then still have schooling left? After I turn 18 will have 6 or so months left until I even finish high school. After that there is always the possibility that I wouldn't leave for a couple months after that. So, is there some other program I would join for the time between when I turn 18 and when I head to PI or am I on my own for that extra time?

  6. #66
    Marine Platinum Member Zulu 36's Avatar
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    Nope. You'll probably have to wait to DEP in. But since you can't officially talk to a recruiter until you're 17, you can discuss the situation with him/her then.

  7. #67
    Zulu, so are you saying that I would have to wait until they set my date, for PI, to join DEP? Or is there any way I could be in DEP for more than a year?

  8. #68
    It's 2 years away and no one not even a recruiter can tell you the requirements,things change all the time.

  9. #69
    Marine Platinum Member Zulu 36's Avatar
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    DanM is right, it's a bit down the road and things do change. Having said that, I have heard there have been some exceptions to the one year rule, but I think they are fairly rare. Under the current rules, as I understand them, you will have to wait to DEP in so as not to exceed one year.

    Realistically, you'll accrue no real benefit to being in DEP for over a year. Once you turn 17 and officially talk to a recruiter they may allow you to come out to DEP meets and PT with them, etc. That would be of benefit to you.

  10. #70
    Okay so there is a possibility that I could do all the DEP things, just not be officially part of the program before I reach that point of 1 year till I leave for PI. But, you all are fairly certain that as of now, the 410 thing isn't a common occurrence, right?

  11. #71
    Marine Platinum Member Zulu 36's Avatar
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    That is what I understand.

    Patience, Young Padawan, it will all come in time.

  12. #72
    Waiting sucks but I guess that's all I can really do for a while, huh?

  13. #73
    This thread has run it's course. Maddie needs to talk to some female Marines about recruit training. She needs to hear the experience of female Marines. I have sent her info to one of our female members.

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