BUMED waiver for asthma
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  1. #1
    Poolee/DEP Free Member
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    Newport News

    BUMED waiver for asthma

    Good evening , everyone. I am a poolee who enlisted into DEP back in June of this year and was given a ship date of August 28. I found out I was PDQ this morning for childhood asthma (haven't had issues or used inhaler since age 8), AFTER I submitted a PFT to MEPS showing normal results. This is how the situation came about:

    I went to shipper validation 3 weeks prior to my ship date and performed the initial strength test better than every poolee there. I did the most pull-ups (20), sit-ups (95), and had the fastest mile-and-a-half run time (7:51). After the IST, we then went inside HQ building and were shown a power-point presenation on fraudulent enlistment. We were then asked to answer a questionnaire to confirm that our medical history and criminal history lined up with what was in our packages. Long story short, I didn't tell them about childhood asthma at MEPS before enlisting into DEP, but I did mention it to them via the questionnaire at shipper validation. Ever since, I've not been allowed to ship until I provide MEPS with relevant documents. It's taken longer than I thought to get this resolved and they still needed things from me when ship date rolled around. I did not ship when I was supposed to and for weeks now I've essentially been in limbo without a ship-date within the DEP. I submitted my PFT to MEPS 2 weeks ago and heard back this morning from my recruiter that I was permanently disqualified. He said we have to submit my stuff up to BUMED now.

    I'm waiting for word back from MEPS to hear as to why I was PDQ, I will update this post with every bit of information I gather through this process to help others if they ever find themselves in a similar situation...

    My questions for the time-being though: Does being in the delayed entry program expedite the process of hearing back from BUMED authorithies? What are the chances of my waiver being approved for childhood asthma considering I will be submitting a PFT to BUMED displaying normal results?

    Thanks everyone!

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  2. #2
    A PFT means little to nothing,asthma never fully goes away,symptoms can reduce as people age.Have you ever been in a sealed room full of tear gas for 10 minutes?

  3. #3
    I don't think MEPS has a solid policy in place for granting waivers for asthma with a solid PFT. I enlisted a set of twins who both had asthma. One was required to do a PFT the other wasn't. The one that did the PFT was later allowed to enlist. Asthma is one of the more random waivers you can get from MEPS. There's no way anyone can tell you how the process will play out. Just keep jumping through the hoops as they come and hope for a positive outcome.

  4. #4
    Super Moderator Platinum Member USMC 2571's Avatar
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    Good luck to the OP. Be persistent, like you are now. Look for answers and follow advice given here. Keep us updated please.

  5. #5
    Poolee/DEP Free Member
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    @DanM - if a PFT means little to nothing why do they ask me to get one done? I had to pay for it myself...and I have never been in a gas chamber but I am no more vulnerable to the effects than any other current or former service member because I do not currently display and have not displayed symptoms for asthma since age 8 nor have I used an inhaler since then; it was very much an isolated incident in my youth that more than likely was a misdiagnosis.

    @Kamauxx- Thank you for the input, I will fight to the end. It is just tough not to get bitter because usually you are advised against opening your mouth about what I did if it is not presently relevant and I see why now. I am applying for a waiver for asthma when I don't have asthma. I am the fastest runner and overall most fit poolee in my area and my recruiters see that. I just feel like I'm suffering for trying to do the right thing.

    @USMC 2571 - I will certainly keep everyone updated thank you for the encouragement. I know there were many who came before me who have gone to BUMED seeking waivers for asthma etc. and I know cases always vary but if there is anyone with circumstances even remotely close to mine I hope by documenting my experience here I can give others hope and help them to know what to expect.

  6. #6
    Poolee/DEP Free Member
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    MEPS did not PDQ me for asthma. I should not have assumed my PDQ was for that. My paperwork when I received it last week said that I am PDQ for 'chronic shoulder pain' ; because of physical therapy I had for a rotator cuff strain 3 years ago. I never had surgery or even tore a muscle but I need a waiver for this. Submitted my stuff up last week so waiting to hear back currently on if/when I can ship (again, I am actually in DEP).

    Thankfully, that PFT, along with my other related docs, were enough for MEPS in my case to prove I don't have asthma. For the shoulder though, I have seen people need waivers for surgically repaired shoulders etc. but never someone just simply straining a muscle and going to physical therapy for strengthening exercises. I believe that my waiver will be an easy approval. Hope to bring the good news to everyone within the next month or so. God Bless.

  7. #7
    So. Now you know why they asked you to get a PFT. It helped prove your case against asthma. Pretty sure you'll agree the cost to you was worth it now.

  8. #8
    Poolee/DEP Free Member
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    Waiver approved.
    I'll be shipping to MCRD Parris Island on Jan.8, 2018; and I can hardly wait.

  9. #9
    Congratulations! Sounds like you're in great shape, so keep it up. My 2 pieces of boot camp advice: 1. Immediately, and I mean as soon as you possibly can label all your stuff with sharpie and do it on the back side of the tags so it doesn't bleed through, and 2. Try to enjoy it and take it all in. Boot camp is one of the strangest things you'll do in the military, and Parris Island is a cool place with a lot of history. It's fun to look back on. Not so much when you're there.

    Good luck!

  10. #10

    Congrats on the approval for the waiver! I think Crazymjb hit the nail on the head with his advice for boot camp. I would also recommend that you always drink plenty of water. It's been about 6 years since I stepped on those yellow footprints, but I believe the hardest part for me, mentally, was the first 4 weeks. After the first 4 weeks I started to really adapt to the pace and routine of boot camp.

    Best of luck Bornagain10, like Crazymjb said, take the experience all in. Remember that boot camp is what you make it, so invest everything you have into it.

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