Help with gaining weight.
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  1. #1

    Help with gaining weight.

    Hello everyone, first thank you for your service and now for my question. In ny family genes we are naturally skinny people nd no matter how much i eat I don't gain enough weight. Without eating I'm 121 but after eating throughout the day, I can get ti atleast 125. I'm 5'10 and have to be 132, My grandfather was similar to me and went to vietnam as 11b for the Army and got bigger. I want to do Infantry but I feel discouraged because of my size, also i dont want to grt disqulified at MEPs, any advice to get bigger or anything oft he sort. ive been going to poilee functions to gain some muscle even thouggh im not a poolee yet

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  2. #2
    Muscle is dense, and heavy. Supplement your diet with some protein shakes and do an hour or so of strength training a day. I'd probably ask a strength coach to help you out/supervise.


  3. #3
    I wish I had your problem ...

  4. #4
    You really don't haha

  5. #5
    I was joking. I weighed 138 pounds when I went to boot camp. I retired 30 years later at 165 pounds. Now 12 years later, I weigh 200 ...

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