The "FIX" is in - Hitlery off the Hook...!!!
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  1. #1

    The "FIX" is in - Hitlery off the Hook...!!!

    WOW - How do you like them apples...???

    Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) director James Comey said Tuesday at a press conference that he will not recommend an indictment against Hillary Clinton, though he found “evidence” that she might have violated laws pertaining to the handling of classified information.

    Comey announced a number of conclusions that support the findings of Breitbart News’ coverage of the Clinton private email scandal, including that she sent and received information on her private server that was classified. Comey said that 110 of Clinton’s emails were classified at the time they were sent.

    Comey said that “although there is evidence of potential violations,” no reasonable prosecutor would take on the case.

    Comey at least shared details about that damning evidence.

    He also said that seven of Clinton’s email chains contained “Top Secret” information.

    “That is excluding any later up-classified emails…

    None of these emails should have been on any unclassified system, but the presence of these emails is especially concerning,” Comey said.

    “There is evidence to support a conclusion that any reasonable person in Secretary Clinton’s position… should have known that an unclassified system was no place for that information,” Comey continued.

    “There is evidence that they were extremely careless,” he said, referring to Clinton and her aides.

    Comey also noted that individuals in a similar situation would not necessarily be let off the hook with no charges, but would probably face penalties. “But that’s not what we’re deciding now,” Comey said. “We are expressing to Justice our view that no charges be made in this case.”

    Comey said that “no outside influence of any kind was brought to bear” on the investigation, even though Attorney General Loretta Lynch recently held a secret meeting with President Bill Clinton.

    Comey said the investigation was conducted in an “apolitical and professional way… I couldn’t be prouder to be part of this organization.”

    Then he walked off.

    Similar Threads:

    • #2
      This doesn't surprise me a bit. Makes me furious, but we all knew she'd never get indicted.

      I'm hoping this will be enough to shake some of the "True Believers" out of their comas and make America decide not to elect yet another serial criminal to the White House!

    • #3
      Everybody knows rules don't apply to the Clintons. We all could've saved the FBI a lot of time and money. The next Republican who wants to spend one dime investigating her should be shot - simply for being that stupid!

    • #4
      Marine Free Member m14ed's Avatar
      Join Date
      Aug 2008
      Chaos, Massachusetts
      Where's carrvy ?
      Federal Bureau of Investigation -
      director James Comey

      was said to be an HONEST MAN.
      I Mean,
      It isn't like Clinton was a General or something ?
      or Clinton could effect the lives of anyone by the
      access her goals conflicted with protection of
      information she allowed by her IGNORANCE

      Same team, failed to indite and prosicute
      Black Panthers for Voter Pole violations on
      two past presidential elections...
      NAH ?
      Whadda' mean - the fix was in -
      before the game started ?

    • #5
      One thing I will always be confused about...

      When there is ever any kind of "Investigation" done by this Government, they site cost's... How much it "COST" each and every time...

      Are these same Government employee's salaried...?? Or is it because they have a "Union" and they receive over time for anything they do??

      Anyone know where they come up with these expense all the time...??

      I'd really love to know....

    • #6
      Litigation is expensive; however in this case, it wasn't the $$$$ to prosecute it that was prohibitive, it was because the Justice Department didn't have the balls to do it.
      I knew from the start that she would never be prosecuted, because there is no Justice in the political system that exists in Washington or in many State Level Governments.

      I had hopes that the FBI would do the right thing however I was proven wrong. To answer your question, most Government employees are salaried. It's sad to say but in order to get up the promotion ladder, they(most-not all) have to play the political games, and most that reach the top or managerial level are the least qualified. IMO, this is what happened today.

      Justice wasn't given a chance today!


    • #7
      Understood Hammer...

      So much for Justice being Blind....

      Today she had her entire head ripped off...

      Politicians are below whale Shiat....

    • #8
      Heard, if elected, she will keep Loretta Lynch as AG. Her administration, she said, will be very diverse, to say the least. She indicated there would be a place for Rev. Sharpton. Everyone get ready for our 2nd. American Revolution.

    • #9
      Comey mentioned that no reasonable person would have carried on those classified conversations (TS/SAP) via an unclassified network. Hopefully Trump will capitalize on the fact that Hillary is not a reasonable person and not qualified to be president.

    • #10

    • #11
      I don't have the words to express how angry this makes me. It's blatant F... Y.., you can't touch me.

      7.62x51 Touch this b*t*h.

    • #12
      Just like the IRS scandal, the system is rigged for democrats in that they seemingly have a system to slither out of every criminal act, scandal, and controversy. Crooked Hillary checked every box for a felony under Title 18 U.S. Code § 793, in patent violation of her trust, and was given a pass.

    • #13
      Quote Originally Posted by Mongoose View Post
      Heard, if elected, she will keep Loretta Lynch as AG. Her administration, she said, will be very diverse, to say the least. She indicated there would be a place for Rev. Sharpton. Everyone get ready for our 2nd. American Revolution.
      Somebody today said she wants half her cabinet to be female. Throw in a few LBGT'ers and there's your diversity! We can plan on that moron Ash Carter keeping his SECDEF job meaning even more social engineering of the military.

    • #14
      One thing about the left, it is always predictable and as long as they are in control we as a country are in trouble and the military is being torn apart by the foolish rules being put forth on transgender etc.

      It has stop somewhere before it is to late. I worry about my grand children and great grand kids for what the world will be like when they get older, it is scary.

    • #15
      Meanwhile, as the wagons are being circled around Hillary, we're circling the drain. We here know what's at stake. Wake up, America!

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