How Did You End Up Joining The Corps? - Page 5
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  1. #61
    My draft number was 53 and I wasn't keeping up with college work. My fraternity brother told everyone he had enlisted in the Marines. His brother and father were Marines. So I thought that I could join with him for two years instead of waiting to be drafted for four years.

    But my blood pressure was high, and I was delayed for 30 days. Most of you know it's not a good idea to show up at PI with high blood pressure! When I told my dad he yelled at me that I would be a ditch digger for the rest of my life. I made it through boot camp and ran into my buddy at ITR at Camp Lejeune. When he asked me what I thought of his bright idea now, I cursed him. We laugh about it to this day. The service changed my life for the better.

  2. #62
    I had dreams of playing college football and upon graduation fully expected a ride to a SEC team. Well, it's a SEC team now but at the time Missouri was a trip I thought I was better than. Well, my old man who spent 8 years in the Marine Corps had a simple "request" for me and my brother upon our graduation. Either a college acceptance letter or enlistment papers on the kitchen table.
    Being the "genius" and hard headed boy I was and with the full of myself anger I had at not being recruited by LSU or Alabama, my butt took a trip to the recruiter mall. Walked by the Airforce with my nose in the air and the Army as well. The Navy was the one I was truly interested in talking to but as all swab jocks he was at lunch lol. Well, a voice bellowed from across the hall from Gunnery Sgt. Maxfield, " Can I help you son?" that was a wrap. I enlisted for three years all on the idea that I would bulk up, get some money for college and totally planned on being a walk on to the school of my choosing. I mean let's face it Marines can do anything they put their mind to right? Well, I loved it and never looked back. Enlistment after enlistment, year after year, and deployment after deployment, I found a home. My recruiter never lied to me but he was mistaken. There was a long term war in our Nation's future and EOD was more than blowing crap in place at twenty nine palms. Best job I ever had. Semper Fi

  3. #63
    I signed up in April of 61 before I graduated from HS on the delayed entry so I could get my diploma, went to MCRD in Aug of 61.

    The reason I joined is because I always heard that the Marines had the best training of any branch and I thought if I am going to go to war why not get the best training that is offered and maybe have a better chance of surviving.

    Little did I know that I would end up with an office job but still the training was what I thought it would be plus more. I have never regretted what I done.

    As far as I know my only close relative, an uncle, was in World War 2 on a sub and he ended up with the Sea B's with some nasty stories of what went on on some of the islands during that time but I never thought about joining another service, it was always the Marine Corps and I would do it over without question, no regrets except I should have stayed in.

  4. #64
    Super Moderator Platinum Member USMC 2571's Avatar
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    Resurrecting my thread, as there are many more members here than when I first posted it, who may want to post here.

  5. #65
    Grew up overseas in the 1960s where dad worked at the embassy as a diplomat. We had a mix of army and air force troops, but of course the embassy guards were Marines. The difference between the Marine contingent and the sad sacks from the other branches was so striking, extraordinary, and obvious that it made an extremely positive and lasting impression on me. In college I took up flying lessons and my instructor friend was a former Marine F-4 mechanic. I dropped-out of school and enlisted in 1969. I joined for military benefits, but having seen slovenly air force and army troops throughout my young life I thought I would be embarrassed wearing their uniform. Joining the Marines was the only option.

  6. #66
    Super Moderator Platinum Member USMC 2571's Avatar
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    Outstanding post.

  7. #67
    My dad was in the Pacific Campaign during WW2, I figured it was the right thing to do. During boot camp “I figured“…wtf have I got myself into. ALL said, “I figured” it was the right decision.

  8. #68
    Marine Free Member
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    front range
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    My dad in the Pacific,
    Two older brothers vietnam.
    Had to wait for one to come home before they let me go over...why did I join cause that's what my father's son's do.
    My dad from Ireland came over when he was 16yrs old he was very proud to be a citizen/very patriotic..S/F

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