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  1. #16
    I don't know if you've talked to your niece yet about going in to what really is a mans world, but she MUST be stern and as it has been put to me by my fiance as it was put to her by her drill instructors "you need to be a *****." It sucks but the reality is women are not treated the same way in the Marine Corps, nor are they held to the same standards. So I'd work on making sure she knows how to put her foot down. That, based off women in the Marine Corps I know, is the best advice and help you can give her.

    Also, I wouldn't let her ship without a contract.


  2. #17
    Mike, I was a Marine for 22.6 years - give me a little credit please. Of course, we carried muskets back then. I lead every type of Marine from recon rangers and future LDO Majors/CWO's to female privates. From personal experience, I know how women are treated and the double standards they endure. I took my niece to PI so when she gets there it won't be her first time on the depot as is normal. We have had multiple counselling sessions with me doing the majority of the talking. I have no idea how much is being received. As you know, people have their perceptions about being a Marine but until you are one nobody can explain it to you. It's just something she'll have to learn on her own (like your fiance did). I give her advice all the time but what she does with it is up to her.

    As for her MOS. This is her second rodeo. She had an Intel contract as a senior in highschool but did not ship because her boyfriend did not want her to leave town. The USMC let her enlist again (the boyfriend is history) but she lost her Intel contract. She is being treated as open contract. The normal rules do not apply in her case this time. They told her that before she enlisted this time so she knows the score and is good with it. We're just hoping for the best.

  3. #18
    I didn't know if/when you worked with them, or how things were like when you got out. I only know because I'm marrying one (that I dated in highschool), otherwise I've never done anything short of being participent on an AO tour with FET. Some people are in denial about how the military is for women so just wanted to toss in my .02

    sucks on the contract thing but I guess that's what happens. Hopefully she gets lucky (especially if she has good test scores). Is she gonna try her hand at ITB? They are letting some women try it as an alternative to mct now on a complete volunteer basis.


  4. #19
    She is just thankful for a second chance to earn the title and understands there is a price to pay for walking away the first time. She has good test scores (good enough for Intel anyway) but not sure how much they mean in this situation. Not asked her about volunteering for ITB but we will talk about it. She does intend to seek a leadership position in bootcamp with the hope of graduating PFC. She has been a personal trainer at LA Fitness the last year and has a high IST score (already doing more than 3 pull ups). Knows most of her knowledge but there are still a few subjects she struggles with (still has a few days to study).

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