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  1. #16
    Marine Platinum Member Zulu 36's Avatar
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    Seminole County
    I should point out that getting a police job in this job market is hard. Many departments have laid-off officers or have hiring freezes. Even if you apply to an agency that is hiring, there is no guarantee they will hire you. You might bomb the written test or come across poorly on oral boards. Same thing with SWAT.

    Assuming you got hired on a department, if it has a SWAT unit, openings don't occur on a constant basis unless it's a really large unit (like LA, etc). You might get a chance early, or maybe not for years. Most larger departments won't take inexperienced officers onto the SWAT unit as they are looking for a track record of personal initiative and good work without disciplinary issues. Smaller teams are more likely to take you on earlier in your career.

    Firearms training for the average PO depends a lot on the agency. Some only put you on the range once or twice a year, others more often. SWAT units do get more range time than the average PO, even in a department with an aggressive firearms training program. Bullets cost a lot of money and even police departments are finding them hard to get these days.

    Police academies will usually accept you as a "pre-service" cadet, which means the tuition comes out of your pocket and you don't necessarily have a job at graduation. Being already academy trained is a plus in getting hired, but still not a guarantee.

    Police work is the same as being a grunt in one respect: It consists mostly of sheer boredom interspersed with moments of sheer terror.

    Good luck with your decision.

  2. #17
    Thank you All for this Inside Education.I am Honored and Prevailaged,to Know you.Asator,since you are a Martial Arts Instructor,you have some Clout there.There are Agencies that will Hire you,like Borough of T.A.F. like my Friend DD.3rd Degree Black Belt in Tai Kwon Do,and Knows 20 Styles of Kung Fu(Systems).Don't put yourself down.It's Only by the Grace of God,that I'm still here.These Marines that answered you really have Balls.Have you Ever See a man Blown to pieces,or Bleed Out in Two,maybe Three Minutes,more.This causes a Shock,that may Prevent you from Being a Hired Gun, Cowboy.Yeah,you can get over it,but you will Never Be the Same Person you are Now;Ever Again.I Apologize,to you Police,S.W.A.T.,and Marines.I can't Hold a Candle to You Guys,but I've seen People Go Mad.Just putting in my 2 cents.You have told Asator very Well,and Make me feel Humble..........I am nothing Compared to You Guys!

  3. #18
    Guest Free Member
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    Jan 2006
    Providence County
    Your the Best Doc !!!

    Semper Fi Brother

  4. #19
    Thanks again Rocky,Not me but the Real Front Line Corpsman,and Medic's that Gave their Lives,DocGreek included.I got a Glimpse and still feel alien, different than Civilians,even now 45 years later.I could have done more! and should have done more!

  5. #20
    Half my FMF Class got Killed doing their Real Work.Here I am, retired, doing Nothing.Yeah,I made it,big deal.

  6. #21
    Do you want to feel like this when you get older Avator?Think about it!........

  7. #22
    Please allow me to add my two cents worth since my situation was vaguely familiar to yours in some respects.

    I got out after my first enlistment which was a dumb mistake. This was back in 76 when Jimmy Carter was president, there were no jobs, he granted amnesty to the draft dodgers, and brought the boat people over from Southeast Asia. I used my GI Bill and went to college fulltime which meant living with my parents. Then, I sent for my Nicaraguan sweetheart and married her (all my friends told me she was just looking for a green card but, as you are experiencing, love is blind and makes rational decisions impossible). After a year, my old recruiter called me out of the blue and said he could get me back in if I wanted to reenlist; keeping my Sgt chevrons would require a waiver but he would submit the paperwork. The rank waiver came back approved and the wife was tired of living with my folks so we reenlisted. After 3 years in the FMF, we finally moved into base housing onboard Camp Pendleton; shortly after, my unaccompanied orders to OKI showed up unexpectedly. The wife stayed in our housing unit while I went away for 12 months. She made it to about the halfway point when Jody showed up. So, my friends were right about the green card afterall. We were divorced and she and Jody got married. There is no green card in your situation but I did see how hard long term separations are on relationships. To be fair, many of my friend's marriages did survive their unaccompanied tours overseas (some didn't).

    You have not mentioned discussing anything with your girlfriend. If you have, how does she feel about being a military spouse? Have you been honest about the separations and pay/benefits? Does she understand the USMC expects/demands the mission comes first (can she be #2)? Is she aware the sea services have the highest divorce rate among the military branches (because of the deployment tempo)? Our Commandant has made it clear one of his priorities is getting our Corps back to its maritime/forward deployed roots and away from static/land-locked conflicts more suitable for the Army. This suggests more time aboard ships/more deployments (nation's 911 force) and less time sitting at a base stateside. Of course, budget constraints will have a bearing on all this.

    It's pretty clear, the girlfriend is a major player in your decision making. If she is against you going back in that closes that door.

  8. #23
    Thanks for the reply, Top. A lot of good information there. I've since decided to go the LEO route. A local Department has a spot open, and I've already spoken with someone about taking the Agility Test and written test. If I do well and get selected, they'll pay for my Police Academy and pay me a Police Officer's salary while I am there. The benefits and pay are incredible and there is an on-site shooting range. The more I thought about it, the more it made sense. There are a myriad of different departments in the Police Force, so I should never get bored. I can use my Marine Corps experience to leverage a spot for SWAT when the time comes, and I can always try out for detective if I get bored of patrolling. I've spoken with my other half, and she says this sounds like something I would and should be doing. She's ok with me getting stuck working nights and holidays, because it's better than being totally gone for up to a year.

    I want to thank you all for your though provoking and engaging responses. This is a great community. Semper Fi.

  9. #24
    Guest Free Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Providence County
    Outstanding Marine.

    Best of luck to you.

    Don't be a stranger around here.

    Keep us posted Brother.

    Semper Fi,

  10. #25
    You can also look into Secret Service - both agent and uniformed sections.

    I was accidently recruited by them ( I was on recruiter assitance), they called the office asked for Marines getting out. There were none in the office. I decided to go check for my self, and when I got there 20 guys was there all Marines retired, vets and reserves.

    The uniformed does the same as Yankee Whites and Embassy Marines but you stay in DC.

    You could look into that also.


  11. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Ceya View Post
    You can also look into Secret Service - both agent and uniformed sections.
    Good point, and a great gig. One of my closest friends from the Corps works for the UD. He's got the life. No degree required but you need to be squeaky clean.

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