Marines marijuana usage waiver policy
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  1. #1

    Marines marijuana usage waiver policy

    Throughout my whole life, I have wanted to become a Marine due to the inspiration from my great-grandfather. Every man in my family has been a military man and I would be honored to carry on that tradition, especially with the Marines. However, I am currently facing a dilemma. During high-school, being young and stupid, I smoked marijuana. I admitted it to my recruiter and we then proceeded to attempt to obtain a waiver for the usage. However, my waiver was declined by the Department of the Navy. However, I REFUSE to let this stop me from becoming a Marine. I have smoked marijuana 37 times between September 2010 and August 2011. It was after meeting with a recruiter and realizing the impact it could have on my career as a Marine that I quit. I am currently in the process of having my local congressmen speak with the Marine Corps on my behalf, however I need clear knowledge on the amount of time that can be waived. I was under the strong impression that it was up to 50 times using can be waived, however I can not find any documentation of that number, or any number anywhere. Can someone please help me out with this?
    Nicholas Stewart

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by stewartnick View Post
    Throughout my whole life, I have wanted to become a Marine due to the inspiration from my great-grandfather.
    Then why did you smoke weed?

    Any way, I don't think there is a black and white answer for this. Having a congressman speak on your behalf doesn't hurt, but if they denied you you realize that you're facing a very steep uphill battle.

    There are other ways (branches) to serve. Maybe you should consider the Army or something else.

    Good luck.

  3. #3
    Different numbers require different waivers. The more you smoke the higher the rank of someone who has to approve your waiver. The Corps can afford to be really selective since recruiting numbers are declining since there is less demand. In the long run it should increase the quality of Marines serving. It sucks but you F'd up. I know it blows I've seen good Marines get forced out because of 1 mistake in a four yr period. It's a very competitive job. Your waiver was denied but you are fighting it. At least that shows some dedication. At least you were honest so something to be proud of.

  4. #4
    Marine Platinum Member Zulu 36's Avatar
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    Don't expect a lot of help from the Congressman. Most, if not all, will defer to the military services in these matters. Plus the Congressman is not in the military chain-of-command, so they have no authority to give orders changing policy.

    Policies on waivers can literally change overnight. RS commanding officers are given a lot of discretion, but in some matters they don't.

    If you are trying to cast blame, look in the mirror for the person responsible.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Zulu 36 View Post
    If you are trying to cast blame, look in the mirror for the person responsible.
    In no way am I casting blame on anyone but myself. I've owned up to my mistakes and moved on from them. I understand I now have a long way to go to become a Marine, however what bothers me is the fact that kids at my station are getting cleared for things way more serious, not that what I did wasn't serious. My goal is to become a Marine and I will achieve my goal. I was just looking for a clear policy on amount of usage or something along those lines so that higher-ups can tell I am doing my research. It is just extremely difficult to find.

  6. #6
    There may be a cut-off number out there somewhere. But this number may only be available to the recruiting command in their policies and procedures manual which you do not have access to and I doubt they would be willing to share with you. Point is, I don't think you're going to find the clear policy.

    We all make choices in life. Some choices impact our lives more than others (having unprotected sex is a prime example). The younger we are, the less thought we put into making choices. You made your choices and now have to live with the consequences no matter how much you don't like them. The lesson to be learned here is to put more thought into your future and not just what the current choice will do for you today.

    I put your situation in the same category as those needing tattoo waivers. Those people made a choice when they put ink on their body (not thinking/caring about how it may impact their future at the time). They submit their waiver and it either gets approved or shot down. Just like applying for a job; you get hired or you don't...simple.

    I admire your committment because it is one of our core values (honor, courage, and committment). But, I feel you're just pi$$ing up a rope at this point.

    I am interested to hear what your Congressman has to say so please let us know.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by stewartnick View Post
    I understand I now have a long way to go to become a Marine, however what bothers me is the fact that kids at my station are getting cleared for things way more serious, not that what I did wasn't serious. My goal is to become a Marine and I will achieve my goal. I was just looking for a clear policy on amount of usage or something along those lines so that higher-ups can tell I am doing my research. It is just extremely difficult to find.
    Oh is life unfair bro? Yes it may suck but you've heard the saying before. Another thing; people don't want to hear sob stories. There is no direct policy determining how many times you can smoke week. More than 1 requires a waiver. If you had smoked 1-3 times it could've been easier to get a waiver at a RS level. You smoked 37 times.. honestly not much BUT thats not the point. From a Colonel or General looking at your paperwork it seems like you enjoyed the ganja and smoked it on the regular. Whats to say you won't smoke again? Oh your word? Higher ups don't care about your promises. You are a liability in their eyes. Again yes it blows, but maybe the Corps has met their pothead quota for the fiscal year. Either wait around for another opportunity or keep fighting it. Coming to a website talking to enlisted Marines won't get you in. We can encourage you and say " Glad you quit smoking, it'll be tough be hey hang in there Champ! If you fight hard enough you could one day rate the title.(Then I pat you on the butt and say good game!)" Now that my DBagness is out of the way... for real Good luck man. I feel as though weed isn't a terrible drug but sadly it's illegal. Keep trying to get that waiver.

  8. #8
    I am surprised that they denied it I believe 50 is the max number could be wrong, but the time frame in which you did it is so short that doesnt help your case. They are also becoming more and more selective as to whom they let in our gun club. They are going to start booting a lot of people out they are talking about getting rid of some of the lower tier Marines like ones who have less than a 2nd class PFT and the like. Hell in the last Marine Corps Times they mentioned that they may be getting rid of one of the MCRD's where as that may not happen it apparently is on the table as to something that can happen.

    you can always try again if you recruiter wants but if you already got denied he prolly wont put any more time into a losing cause.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Tookie22 View Post
    Oh is life unfair bro? Yes it may suck but you've heard the saying before. Another thing; people don't want to hear sob stories. There is no direct policy determining how many times you can smoke week. More than 1 requires a waiver. If you had smoked 1-3 times it could've been easier to get a waiver at a RS level. You smoked 37 times.. honestly not much BUT thats not the point. From a Colonel or General looking at your paperwork it seems like you enjoyed the ganja and smoked it on the regular. Whats to say you won't smoke again? Oh your word? Higher ups don't care about your promises. You are a liability in their eyes. Again yes it blows, but maybe the Corps has met their pothead quota for the fiscal year. Either wait around for another opportunity or keep fighting it. Coming to a website talking to enlisted Marines won't get you in. We can encourage you and say " Glad you quit smoking, it'll be tough be hey hang in there Champ! If you fight hard enough you could one day rate the title.(Then I pat you on the butt and say good game!)" Now that my DBagness is out of the way... for real Good luck man. I feel as though weed isn't a terrible drug but sadly it's illegal. Keep trying to get that waiver.
    I understand where you're coming from, and I didn't mean for a sob story or anything like that. Life isn't fair, which is why instead of viewing this as a brick wall, it's just a speed-bump to me. I came here more so looking for advise, and I've found some good and useful information. I am going to do whatever it takes to become a Marine, regardless of my past mistakes. But thank you for the support.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by MunkyVsRobot View Post
    I am surprised that they denied it I believe 50 is the max number could be wrong, but the time frame in which you did it is so short that doesnt help your case. They are also becoming more and more selective as to whom they let in our gun club. They are going to start booting a lot of people out they are talking about getting rid of some of the lower tier Marines like ones who have less than a 2nd class PFT and the like. Hell in the last Marine Corps Times they mentioned that they may be getting rid of one of the MCRD's where as that may not happen it apparently is on the table as to something that can happen.

    you can always try again if you recruiter wants but if you already got denied he prolly wont put any more time into a losing cause.
    From what I understand, I thought 50 was the max as well. It's too bad they don't give a specific reason, just you're either in or you're not.

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