Drug discharge from the DEP?
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  1. #1

    Drug discharge from the DEP?

    I know I'm going to get a lot of flak from this but I'm posting anyway. I have recently stopped attending PT and the past two pool functions. This was because I had decided I want to join the Air Force.

    My recruiter knows that I had went to an Air Force recruiter a few months ago (to be turned away due to regulation I might add). He has known that the Air Force was the branch I had originally intended on joining. He even knows that I had intentions on getting a discharge and going to them.

    Now I have been told and heard through the grapevine that I am going to be receiving a "drug discharge." I don't understand how this is possible when I know for a fact that I can pass any test they could give me just the same as I did when I went to MEPS. Hell, we haven't even had any drug tests since.

    I know this will permanently disqualify me from joining the military in the future and this really bothers me. I've wanted to join for many years and now to find out that it may not ever happen is crushing. How can they do this to me? It has to be illegal in some way. They know as well as I do that I am clean. Can anyone give me any advice or anything at all?

  2. #2
    My advice is to stop listening to rumors. Grapevines are for grapes.

    Man up, and ask your recruiter. They just don't make thing up to suit their needs.

  3. #3
    Listen to thewookie. I might add for you to get your head out of your butt...decide what you want to do and do it. The Marines are not interested in people who can't make a decision.

    If you want to go to the Air Force....man up...go talk to your recruiter and do it. If you need additional support....go talk to the Air Force recruiter and he will help you.

  4. #4
    Did you pop a p!zz test? Do you have prior drug history as a juvenile? Is there anything there?

    Don't answer these. They are rhetorical. If the answer in your head to all is no, they cannot invent something out of thin air.

    You need to do what you have been told, man up, go sit down with the recruiter and look him in the eye and ask what is going on.

  5. #5
    One thing that makes me think it's true is that my recruiter told me himself after I missed the first pool function that they were about to start working on my discharge papers for a drug discharge until I called him. Now I'm being told the same thing again except that they have already started it. I haven't failed any drug tests at all but I did admit prior marijuana use before I went to MEPS. That is the only drug I have ever used and I haven't smoked it since September. He knows this, my family knows this, everyone I know knows this.

  6. #6
    Guest Free Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Providence County
    Nuff said...
    Thread closed.

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