switching reserves to active
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  1. #1

    switching reserves to active

    i am currently in the dep and i signed up for rerserves. went to meps and was given a ship date of june 4th 2012. the more i started thinking about active, the more i wanted to do it. i talked to my recruiter, sgt. thorpe, and he said that it would be hard. i heard from a friend who just got back from bootcamp that many of his friends switched to active. (he is reserves) so im just wondering how easy or hard it is to switch to active

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by usmcpooleed4 View Post
    i am currently in the dep and i signed up for rerserves. went to meps and was given a ship date of june 4th 2012. the more i started thinking about active, the more i wanted to do it. i talked to my recruiter, sgt. thorpe, and he said that it would be hard. i heard from a friend who just got back from bootcamp that many of his friends switched to active. (he is reserves) so im just wondering how easy or hard it is to switch to active
    Aah the old "I heard from a friend" who just got back, over what your recruiter told you.

    Tough one.

    I would listen to your recruiter.

    Good luck

  3. #3
    Listen to your recruiter. I'm in the Reserves and trust me, it's really hard to switch from Reserves to Active Duty. It's not impossible and you can try but don't get your hopes too high.

    If you really want to go Active Duty tell your recruiter now. Keep in mind your chances of going to boot camp right away is going to pushed back since you go to boot camp sooner if you're signing up for the Reserves, at least that's the way it was when I joined last year.

  4. #4
    so my recruiter is in the process of speaking with a master sergeant in the west county area. he said my mos may change from infantry, depending if the positions are filled. he was talking about being switched to combat support. is combat support a decent mos?

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