13XX help
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Thread: 13XX help

  1. #1

    13XX help

    If i go into the 03XX field what are the chances i will get combat engineer? Also how does my specific (XX) mos get chosen?

  2. #2
    Oops i meant *13XX field

  3. #3
    Do you mean a mos of 1369?

  4. #4

  5. #5
    Hey there, I'm a 1391.

    No one can give you a percentage on how likely you can get 1371, but I'll tell you that a lot of 1391s I met wanted to be combat engineers (and/or were promised such) but instead got to be lovely bulkfuelies.

    Your specific MOS doesn't get chosen until near the end of boot camp and/or MCT depending on whether they've got it all sorted out, from my experience. If you're a reservist though, you've already picked and that's that. If you're active duty, you pick a few fields/mos you're interested in, and they'll narrow down your assigned MOS to specific jobs (e.g. 1371) but sometimes they'll just narrow it down to a field (e.g. engineering). I had a friend who wanted to be a 0451 which is rigger, but was given 0481 which is Landing Support Specialist.

    Basically, no one really knows and no one can make a guarantee (unless you're a reservist).

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