Tattoo Waiver, Anyone gotten one recently?
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  1. #1

    Tattoo Waiver, Anyone gotten one recently?

    Is there anyone on here (Marines or poolees) that has successfully acquired a tattoo waiver in the past few months?

    I went to MEPS over 2 months ago where I was told I needed the waiver and began the process. I know that there's nothing I can do except wait and that it is a long process, but I was just curious about how long I should expect to be waiting.

    Thank you for any info.

  2. #2
    Marine Free Member m14ed's Avatar
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    Aug 2008
    Chaos, Massachusetts
    Load 'uM up gang. Who said it wouldn't be two weeks before another Tattoo ???
    IS it something in the WATER these kids are drinking now days ????

  3. #3
    Phantom Blooper
    Guest Free Member
    Can't give you a direct answer on the waiver and how long it will take.....but from reading old posts and threads in Ask A Marine and the Poolee Forum the average wait is probally around six months.....give or take.

    Now I can tell you and I don't belive things have changed from the early 70's......Hurry up and a staple to Marine Corps and military life.

    You can't rush the system....I would also venture to say with the amount of potential poolees beating down the hatches to the recruiting offices that MEPS is almost overwhelmed.

    I would say ask a recruiter....but I don't think a recruiter or another potential poolee can tell you how long.....what happens at one MEPS may be totally different than what happens at your MEPS....geographics and caseload come into play.

    What kind of tattoo is it .....what size and where is it located?

    Is it an Illuminating tattoo?

  4. #4
    It may take long enough for the color to leave you tatoo. Then you will not have to worry about it.

  5. #5
    Thank you for the responses. I asked my recruiter about how long and he really didn't know because it has to go so far up the chain before final approval. A few weeks ago the Captain in charge of our station called with some questions and said it was at the Regional CG.

    As far as what it is and where: It is an eagle on the side of my leg by the calf muscle. It is just about the same size as my hand. Originally in pictures MEPS cleared me to go up but when they asked me to cover it while there, they said I was squeezing my skin to fully cover it..

    I don't mind waiting, I know I'll be doing a lot of it. It would just be nice to have some sense of where the end of this wait is so I can start a new wait.

    I also have a second tattoo; It's an illuminati tattoo on the center of the top of my head. But they said that one's good to go.

  6. #6
    Aaaah-Haaahhhh ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! That's a good sport!

  7. #7
    Phantom Blooper
    Guest Free Member
    I also have a second tattoo; It's an illuminati tattoo on the center of the top of my head. But they said that one's good to go.
    Well that might be your Beacon of Hope.....your Illuminating Tattoo may shine the light on your case.....but you will just have to WAIT and see.

  8. #8
    Sorry to drag up my old thread but thought I'd throw out an update: I'm still waiting.

    My recruiter talked to the Captain in charge of the RS the other week, and he said he had just finished up the paperwork to send it to District. He had told us he sent it to District back in Mid-July. We don't know if it's going back to district for some reason or if it was actually just sitting on his desk for the past few months, but either way there's nothing I can do but keep waiting.

    Getting tough to keep the motivation up

  9. #9
    Marine Free Member Apache's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Westchester OH
    Go forth. Illuminate the Army

  10. #10
    Pirate ships and biker gangs don't require tattoo waivers...but they're not the Marine Corps, are they? Keep up the wait and keep yer'll happen.

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