Plate in Arm Waiver
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  1. #1

    Plate in Arm Waiver

    For some background info, I'm a junior in college and would like to attend OCS either next summer or after I graduate. My GPA and SATs place me in the "very qualified" category according to my recruiter.

    I realize that receiving a waiver for any sort of plates is unlikely, but I was just curious if any Marines know anyone who (or if they themselves) has/have received a waiver for a plate? Is there anything I should say/do to help my chances of getting a waiver? It happened over 7 years ago, I went through 4 years of high school football and have never had a problem with it.

    Thank you to all of the Marines who have and are currently serving our country. I don't know too many Marines personally, but it is all of you that have inspired me to try and join the greatest fighting force on earth. Thank you again.

  2. #2
    I know this isn't answering your questions, but how about filling out your profile so the Marines who are going to answer your questions, know who they are rules, which can be found in the poolee and Ask A Marine forums.


    There are no doctors frequenting this website. If you have a medical question that hasn’t already been answered by searching the forums, you’ll have to contact a recruiting office. If they cannot answer your question, you may be directed to a medical representative from MEPS.

    Again, read that one carefully. We are Marines (and a few Corpsman). We are not doctors. Medical questions will usually be answered by someone cutting and pasting a section from the website. We cannot explain why your waiver was denied and someone elses was granted. Sorry but that's the way THAT is, too.

  3. #3
    Again, talk this over with your recuiter, and DO NOT LIE about anything.

    Military Medical Standards for Enlistment & Appointment

    Miscellaneous conditions of the extremities


    Current retained hardware that is symptomatic, interferes with proper wearing of protective equipment or military uniform, and/or is subject to easy trauma, is disqualifying (V53.7).

    Retained hardware (733.99) (including plates, pins, rods, wires, or screws used for fixation) is not disqualifying if fractures are healed, ligaments are stable, there is no pain, and it is not subject to easy trauma.

  4. #4
    Thank you very much, ma'am. I appreciate the quick reply. Thank you again for your service.

  5. #5
    Presently, having any plates, pins, or screws, is an automatic disqualifier and ends any interview with a recruiter. What that means is there is no waiver for any of those items previously listed. I know this because I spent the last 4 months working as a recruiter’s assistant.

  6. #6
    Only Marines I knew with plates and screws in them were active duty. It occurred while they were active duty and allowed to re-up.

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