Nasty poolee talking trash
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  1. #1

    Angry Nasty poolee talking trash

    Ok so this poolee who switched from the army to Marines at MEPS in san diego added me as a friend on FB, and he asked me some questions about the DEP, Infantry and stuff like that which I gladly answered to the best of my knowledge, and for stuff I didn't know I asked my friend whose a PFC. And then he started saying things that REALLY P***ed me off...

    He started comparing the Marines to the army and saying how their training is the exact same just quieter, and how they are JUST AS GOOD as Marine Corps 03's... His exact words? "Ask a Marine and he will tell you the same thing, that 03 and 11b do the exact same job." AND "the Marines win battles, the army wins wars". If that's true then why did the army lose fallujah twice and make Marines have to go take it... TWICE!

    Then he went on to talk about the Spec Ops, he ACTUALLY said rangers and green berets are the most elite.

    Then what REALLY P****ED ME THE F*** OFF was that every time he talked about the Marines, he used the term "they",and every time he talked about the army, he used the term "we."

    I know I'm not a Marine yet, but I still have THE UTMOST respect for ALL Marines ESPECIALLY Infantry, and for this S***bag who is a USMC poolee WITH a ship date to come tell me that the army is better; one ****es me off like no other and two, begs the question; "why did you join the Marines if you think the army is so much better", to which he did not reply and just left.


  2. #2
    oh and before any Marines get mad because of the language... I did the censoring myself since they would be censored anyway, but also to show SOME level of respect and self control.

  3. #3
    Tell em this....

  4. #4
    Hahah Wtf?

  5. #5
    everytime he said that you shouldve responded with just "LOL" or something

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Soon2HaveEGA843 View Post
    Tell em this....

    ^win! LOL.. I have a friend thats going Navy that thinks Swabbies are way better then Marines (toughness and prestige wise) not hating on the Navy are nothing but I laughed in his face cause he said he was gunna beat me up after I go through bootcamp

    Last edited by ChrrySkoal; 05-26-11 at 09:38 AM. Reason: God told me so...twice damn ha

  7. #7
    lol it's funny to think that it ****es me off because this s***bag has a ship date for USMC recruit training and he's talking trash. I know SOOO many people that aren't even DEP'd that would KILL for his spot and still have nothing while he is going to boot camp when he doesn't even begin to understand why being a Marine is such a special thing.

  8. #8
    I would just let it go, and ignore the guy in the future. If he's as pompous as you make him sound, he'll most likely let a DI know how much better he thinks the army is than the Marine Corps. Then, they'll take care of these issues for you.

  9. #9
    Just ask him why he signed 8 years of his life to the branch which is "just as good" as the Army. People can talk $**t, blow smoke and say whatever they want but the Corps stands on its own merits.

  10. #10
    lol I actually asked him and he signed out and hasn't replied. and as for the DI thing. I'm praying for it. I'm going to be so glad when he washes out.

  11. #11
    Maybe you should just ask him why he switched to USMC?

    The army has much better and more frequent signing bonuses, quicker advancement in pay scale, easier PFT standards to upkeep, less extensive recruit training, and no necessary combat training for non-infantry MOS's.

    If you don't care about the pride of being a Marine, there's really VERY little reason to choose that branch. It's the pursuit of the elite that drives young men to be Marines. If he really doesn't believe that the Marines are the most elite branch, I can't find any sufficient reason for him to want the title.

  12. #12
    My point exactly

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Gunstream View Post
    Maybe you should just ask him why he switched to USMC?

    The army has much better and more frequent signing bonuses, quicker advancement in pay scale, easier PFT standards to upkeep, less extensive recruit training, and no necessary combat training for non-infantry MOS's.

    If you don't care about the pride of being a Marine, there's really VERY little reason to choose that branch. It's the pursuit of the elite that drives young men to be Marines. If he really doesn't believe that the Marines are the most elite branch, I can't find any sufficient reason for him to want the title.

    Best peice of post I read in a while.....


  14. #14

  15. #15
    WOW LOL. This reminds me of a story my friends Father told me, he was in Marine Force Recon during Vietnam

    "We got trained at the same base as the green berets, and there was a 12 mile road between the barracks and the chow hall, we ran there and back every time we needed a meal, the green berets rode there in a truck. One day one of them got the audacity to throw a rock at us, during the night, we snuck in and **** in their berets to show them what they were worth."

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