Missed port call...
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  1. #1

    Missed port call...

    I just got done MOS school and I am going to Okinawa, Japan. I had reserved my ticket for the 19th(I thought and was almost positive) until I got to the Airport and they said it was for the 20th..I had to check in on the 21..so I asked if they had any flights for that day or next morning and they didn't so had to go home and get different flights n the Marine Corps got me a different flight to Japan, but I missed that one because I was stuck In Phili because our flight got canceled because our pilots were late ( Never fly US Airways!!)..anyway I am in LAX and about to leave to go over to Japan...I am very worried about what's going to happen to me when I get there..I haven't called the command yet at Japan because there wasn't a number on my orders, but I am getting that number and calling them now. Anyone have any Idea what's gonna happen to me, everyone says not to worry because I couldn't control all the delays and stuff because of the Airline, but I am just worrying of the unknown. any ideas?

  2. #2
    Get documents from the airlines stating that your flight was delayed because of something going on with the airline. Like them confirming your story. If it was not your own fault your command should understand, and that has happened to me before. Weather cancelled my flight, missed my connecting flight big mess. Also there is always a way to get in contact with your command you can look most units up on the Marines.mil webpage.

  3. #3
    Marine Free Member Apache's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Westchester OH
    Get all documentation you can
    March in to the Tops office
    Bend over-
    You could come out of this with just a few scratches

  4. #4
    As long as you have all your documents you'll be fine. Just have to prove it wasn't your fault.

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