throwing knives? - Page 3
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  1. #31
    Ohhhhhhhhh.......I grow weary.

    Throwing....knives. No kiddin?

    With the 120 plus pounds of CRAP you have to carry, do you really, really, want to add weight to yourself? Trust me on this when I tell you, those knives will be left in the barracks or end up in the nearest pawn shop. Seriously.

    In all my years in the fleet, grunt, comm, and even Intel....never oncet did I see a Marine carry 'throwing knives' of any sort or kind. And I served with some squirrely Marines at times LOL. I've seen K-Bars, high speed cutting knives, combat knives, and even, god help me, a Tomahawk (a fighting one that the Marine knew how to use) being carried....but no 'throwing knives'.

    I suppose it's the 'call of duty/WoW' generation that has never had to hump all this crap for miles and miles that thinks added weight of a useless knife (can it chop wood? Open an MRE? Ammo box? Pry wire? Dig a hole?) isn't going to be that big a deal. To me, any knife that can't do the above things, or is 'single issue' (throwing knife, 'fighting' knife, assengai, whatever) is pretty well useless for what the average Grunt needs it for.

    Throwing knives. Sigh.

  2. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt Leprechaun View Post
    Ohhhhhhhhh.......I grow weary.

    Throwing....knives. No kiddin?

    With the 120 plus pounds of CRAP you have to carry, do you really, really, want to add weight to yourself? Trust me on this when I tell you, those knives will be left in the barracks or end up in the nearest pawn shop. Seriously.

    In all my years in the fleet, grunt, comm, and even Intel....never oncet did I see a Marine carry 'throwing knives' of any sort or kind. And I served with some squirrely Marines at times LOL. I've seen K-Bars, high speed cutting knives, combat knives, and even, god help me, a Tomahawk (a fighting one that the Marine knew how to use) being carried....but no 'throwing knives'.

    I suppose it's the 'call of duty/WoW' generation that has never had to hump all this crap for miles and miles that thinks added weight of a useless knife (can it chop wood? Open an MRE? Ammo box? Pry wire? Dig a hole?) isn't going to be that big a deal. To me, any knife that can't do the above things, or is 'single issue' (throwing knife, 'fighting' knife, assengai, whatever) is pretty well useless for what the average Grunt needs it for.

    Throwing knives. Sigh.

    You just said you saw all types of knives being carried. How is this one any different? Marines will do what Marines do. I knew a guy who carried the weight of a small coleman stove everywhere he went. I also knew someone who carried throwing knives, 3 of them in a small case that hung on his belt. It was no bigger than a leatherman case.

    Why does everyone here have to debate/flame someone who asks a simple question? Out of 3 pages of BS, ONE guy legitimately answered his inquiry.

  3. #33
    And the 'legitimate' answer would be.....what, exactly?

    It's not a 'flame', as in 'frak you, you moron'. How about this, why don't YOU come here day in and day out, for about 3 months or so, and repeatedly answer the various and sundry questions that float through here, instead of doing a 'drive by' every so often? There are a few of us who have been at this for literally, years. And yet we come back to answer, for the 100th time, the invariable 'Recon' question. Among many others.

    Most of us DO strive to give good, reasonable answers to intelligent questions. And even, I dare say, to the NOT so intelligent ones.

  4. #34
    This electronic meeting place happens to be a public forum where people ask/answer myriad questions and exchange ideas/experiences. Invariably, topics will be debated and views expressed. All of this is open to interpretation; what is BS to one person may be considered totally serious by another and we are all entitled to our own judgements.

    Nobody forces anybody to log-on and read these threads. If you truely feel it's a bunch of BS why are you wasting your time here? Certainly, there are more constructive things you could be doing.

  5. #35
    Well said Dave!

  6. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by Th3 Maelstr0m View Post
    Money says this is you on your first deployment.

  7. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by Dave2571 View Post
    Thanks, Top. We have to stick together.
    Well, you gotta love corporals and sergeants going on master sergeants/first sergeants and sergeants major/master gunnery sergeants. They've been in for maybe one enlistment, done a hop or deployment, got a couple ribbons, sewed a few wild oats, and now they're as salty as a thirty-year career man. Of course, the internet provides them a lot more leeway than what they would actually ever say in person to their senior staff NCO's. Here, there is no fear of any repercussions and no chance of standing on the carpet in front of the man getting an attitude adjustment.

    Now, don't get me wrong. Many junior Marines today are or have been foward deployed and served in combat which I never have and they have my total and utmost respect. The majority of those Marines are not the ones we're talking about here however.

  8. #38
    Marine Friend Free Member USNAviator's Avatar
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    Jan 2010
    Glen Allen, Virginia
    Dave isn't "Throwing Knives" HIP's Indian name?

  9. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by brian0351 View Post
    You just said you saw all types of knives being carried. How is this one any different? Marines will do what Marines do. I knew a guy who carried the weight of a small coleman stove everywhere he went. I also knew someone who carried throwing knives, 3 of them in a small case that hung on his belt. It was no bigger than a leatherman case.

    Why does everyone here have to debate/flame someone who asks a simple question? Out of 3 pages of BS, ONE guy legitimately answered his inquiry.
    Sounds like someone has very thin skin. If you do not like what is being said, then don't read it. Simple.

  10. #40
    Closed for the good of the order. FYI, we all stand guilty of violating site rules, starting, at minimum, with yours truly. However, as I was taught, 'There is a time and a place for everything'.

    Sometimes a public admonishment is, in fact, called for.

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