Question about deployments
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  1. #1

    Question about deployments

    I was wondering about deployments to Afghanistan more specifically infantry deployments. My question is about the 7-month deployment, i'm not asking about a day-to-day basis because i know every deployment is different its more a month-to-month basis. Like are you on the "front line" or i think what its called is a FOB the whole 7-months or is it like 1-2 months at a FOB and then maybe a few weeks in the rear to get a break. Any answers will be of help

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    It all depends on the AO you are assigned to. You may sit post for 7 months or you may conduct combat ops for the 7 months. You may do a combo of the two or just do QRF missions. It all depends on the Corps at the time and the mission might change mid deployment. Semper Gumby

  3. #3
    It really varies depending on what mission your unit gets tasked with. However usually if you're set up at a COP/Patrol Base etc you will remain there. You may get rotated from time to time back to the "main" COP where your company is to conduct slightly less stressful operations, however it's not like you're going back to relax and have a few drinks. In the current AO it's hard to even establish a "front line." You could be at the very end of the supply line out in the middle of nowhere and never experience combat. However the guys that have an established AO and have been around there for awhile could still be taking frequent contact. It's all a crap shoot.

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