Enlist as reserve with intent to move Active
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  1. #1

    Enlist as reserve with intent to move Active

    I was planning on enlisting for Active duty, but got turned towards Reserves. The reason for this is because on my record, I have a nolle prossed drug charge.

    I was told by my recruiter that all I need to do is serve 2 years in reserve and then I can easily be transferred to Active duty. If not sooner by volunteering for active duty with the base commander.

    Is this easy to accomplish, if I really want it? Or is it more of a hope and a prayer? (I know nothing is easy about the Marines, I mean in regards to my chances)

    Any help or opinions at all would be greatly appreciated!

  2. #2
    It's a hard hard fight to transfer to active duty

  3. #3
    Is there anything I can do to improve my chances dramatically? I would really perfer just to go Active but unfortunetly my stupid mistakes in the past have caught up with me.

  4. #4
    Guest Free Member
    Transferring from reserves to AD is NOT easy. I have been through the process twice only to be turned away from the AD side. If you want to be active then push for an active duty contract. I could go into details as to what it takes to switch, the paperwork necessary, and everything else but it doesn't matter to someone like yourself yet. Just understand that it is not as easy as just transferring and there really isn't anything you (or any other Marine) can do to make yourself "look" better. Just understand it is not as easy as your recruiter is making it sound.

  5. #5
    In your opinion, you think it's; easier, harder or pretty much equal to other services? In regards to going from Reserve to AD.

  6. #6
    Guest Free Member
    Quote Originally Posted by irpwns View Post
    In your opinion, you think it's; easier, harder or pretty much equal to other services? In regards to going from Reserve to AD.
    Right now I would say its about the same. All branches require the same paperwork (DD forms) in order to switch, all branches are currently trying to size down, and all are also experiencing a budget crunch.

    This is just my opinion and view though, I can really only speak for myself and experience with the Marine Corps.

  7. #7
    Joseph is right. You probably have better odds of hitting the lotto right now.

  8. #8
    haha I still had hope after what Josephd said, and you just made me lose all of that.

  9. #9
    True. I've known multiple Marines, dating back decades who tried to get the nod to go from Reserve to Active...and it didn't happen.

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