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Thread: Eccentric

  1. #1


    Alright, here's a question me and my buddies need answered.

    We're all Public Affairs & Combat Camera marines in the schoolhouse, and we all got flattops. Some of the fleet returnees say its out of regs, but our gunny says its motivating, so long as its not a horseshoe, same as our CO... what's the real ruling on a flattop high & tight?

  2. #2
    DINFOS!!! Why would you want a flattop? When you get to the fleet your gonna think you looked stupid. The high and tight is enough. O and don't let Gunny Gibson learn you are referring to him as "Gunny." And if you are either ComCam or PAO learn that "Marines" ALWAYS has a capitol "M."

  3. #3
    Guest Free Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Providence County

    Male Marines.

    Men will be well groomed at all times and will abide by the following:

    Hair will be neat and closely trimmed. The hair may be clipped at the edges of the side and back; will be evenly graduated from zero length at the hairline in the lower portion of the head to the upper portion of the head; and will not be over 3 inches in length fully extended on the upper portion of the head; the back and sides of the head below the hairline may be shaved to remove body hair. Sideburns will not extend below the top of the orifice of the ear.

    Sideburns will not be styled to taper or flare. The length of an individual hair of the sideburn will not exceed 1/8 inch when fully extended.

    Head hair will be styled so as not to interfere with the proper wear of uniform headgear. Hair which protrudes from beneath properly worn headgear in an unsightly manner is considered excessive, regardless of length.

    No male Marine will be required to have his hair clipped to the scalp except while he is undergoing recruit training or when such action is prescribed by a medical officer. This does not prohibit a male Marine from having his hair clipped to the scalp if he so desires.

  4. #4
    rock a low reg, not a high and stupid

  5. #5
    Technically, unless your high and retarded is faded(most are not), it's out of regs, since it's not 0 to 3 inches evenly graduated.
    The order doesn't say how big that 0 in 0 to 3 inches has to be, so if anyone tells you you can't get a super low reg where the zero is only .5 of a mm than they are wrong according to the Marine Corps order. You can go as low as you want as long as at least some part, no matter how small, is at zero.

    I love it when people tell me that a low is out of regs just because I'm not rocking a high and stupid like them and they get mad. B!tch I'm not retarded, read the order.

    I also love it when you're labeled "sh!tbag" because of your haircut. When my hair get's in the way of me doing my job, then I might pay attention to what you have to say.

  6. #6
    Marine Free Member Quinbo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Ft. Bragg
    Sea lawyer.

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