Quantico Combat Simulator
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  1. #1

    Quantico Combat Simulator

    My RSS is going tomorrow morning. Has anyone from the Virginia or Maryland area been as a poolee function? Suppossed to be as real as it gets before actual combat

  2. #2
    I was talking to a recruiter about this today. Supposedly when us poolees finally enter Recruit Training well be doing this along with dry firing. He was telling me how much the Corps saved in money but doing that instead of using live firing for practice. He said we'll still qual with live firing but the simulator will reduce live practice firing.

    He also said they have them in all set ups. If you're in the OGPK/turrent hatch with the M2/M240/M249 they have a simulator set up for that or maybe youll be a helo hatch gunner....they have a simulator for that also.

    The Corps is starting to get alot of cool technology now.

  3. #3
    Poolee/DEP Free Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    West Bloomfield
    I have never been to that specfic one, but our RSS when to Selfridge Reserve Base to dry fire. We also play a video game, named by our recruiters as Call of Duty on crack. A group of Poolees would play as on Marine in a firing squad of 4.

    At first we jumped into a humvee and led a convoy somewhere in Iraq. Before we knew it the Pfc who was controlling it, hit us with an IED. It was pure chaos from there, insurgents came from every which way firing RPGs and small arms fire at us.

    Next, we were moving on foot to 'eleminate hostile targets in the area.' Well I made a huge mistake.. One squad got hit pretty bad so me being squad leader and all gung ho at the time, charged a full on attack at that position. We took out all the insurgents and I invited the remaining members of that squad to join our squad. The Pfc did not like this and setup a sniper and picked us off one by one till I was the last one left. Then he threw an air strike on me.

    Good times.

  4. #4
    We didn't do the simulator because it was f'ing broken...but we did get to see the inside of an LAV, hold an M4, a SAW, a 240 and a baret light fifty, and look through an RCO (rifle combat optic) and eotech sight. We got to put the magazine in, pull the charging handle and slap the bolt closed. Sickest feeling ever. Like, instant hardon

  5. #5
    This sounds awesome! My RSS was supposed to go to one a few weeks ago but the head recruiter had to cancel for something like a scheduling conflict with some of their own training or something like that.

    I'm leaving for boot tuesday, and I'm going in for Intel, so hopefully at some point I get to train with this stuff.

  6. #6
    That's lame. At least we'll get to play with it a lot when we're out of bootcamp

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