False Service Claim
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  1. #1

    False Service Claim

    Hi all,

    I'm not a Marine Corps vet but certainly apppreciate those who have served our country. My appreciation of your service has triggered a dilemma for me though. I know someone who obtained a job at a CrossFit facility claiming that they have prior Marine Corps service when they definitely do not. Since CrossFit facilities are closely aligned with veterans wouldn't most former service members take these false service claims as a serious affront to the courage they displayed during their tenure with the Corps? What should I do about these false claims...just let them go or inform the gym owner?

    I'd appreciate your feedback so please let me know how veterans would react to these false claims of service.

    Thanks much

  2. #2
    I would make sure that they are false claims before you start telling people that the guy is a liar. Marines come in many different shapes and sizes and just because he doesn't look like the guy on the poster, doesn't mean he isn't a Marine. He might not be as lean, or as mean, but he will definitely still be a killing machine if you start defaming him. If you can in fact prove that he is lying, I would call him out and make him look like an idiot. I hope that helps.

    Last edited by Sergeant M; 01-26-11 at 05:09 AM. Reason: grammatical syntax

  3. #3
    Before anyone b!tch@s at me for replying to a guy without his profile filled out, I want to let you know that I haven't been able to look at non-Marine profiles ever since I hurt a poolee's delicate little feelings over a year ago. I have no idea whether this guy has a profile or not.

  4. #4
    I run into these jackasses all the time ... Here's an interesting stat (some of you may already have seen it) ...

    As of the Census taken during August, 2000, the surviving U.S. Vietnam Veteran population estimate is: 1,002,511. This is hard to believe, losing nearly 711,000 between '95 and '00. That's 390 per day.

    During this 2000 Census count, the number of Americans falsely claiming to have served in-country is: 13,853,027. By this census, FOUR OUT OF FIVE WHO CLAIM TO BE VIETNAM VETS ARE NOT!

    Taken from this website: http://vietnam-veterans.us/popup/facts.html

    No stats (that I can find on a quick search) are out yet for the latest Census. However, if the rate of loss remained the same as the period between 1995 and 2000, then we are well under a million surviving, in-country Vietnam Veterans.

    Be well, my Brothers!

  5. #5
    Has anyone heard the new stat's for the 2010 count? Maybe those of us here are the last one's left.

  6. #6
    Thank you for the replies. I am 100% sure that is individual has not served previously, so I'll certainly pursue informing his employer of his dishonesty.

    My apologies if I didn't follow the normal route for posting on this forum.

  7. #7
    I would take your gripes to crossfit itself, although I don't know what they'd actually do. I've heard rumors that they pretty much give out the affiliate status if you pony up the money. Although I bet if you make a big stink on their forum along with certifiable proof, then it'll force crossfit itself to take action. This being due to the fact that many members of affiliates are also peruse their boards

  8. #8
    I'm kinda curious as to what you said to the poolee. Probably wasn't that bad.

  9. #9
    That chit happens all the time, read the book Stolen Valor it will tend to raise your blood pressure, Semper Fidelis.

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