Graduation Date Question
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  1. #1

    Graduation Date Question

    Hello Marines,

    I just had a quick question about the timing of graduation. As of right now my ship date is 20110321 with an expected graduation date of 20110617 (a Friday). In my training for boot camp I met and have been working out with a retired Marine who is an avid marathon runner. We have become really close and he has been somewhat of a mentor to me for the past year or so. I asked him if he and his family would like to come to my graduation and he said yes, but under one condition: I run the Grandma's Marathon with him this coming summer. I'm all for it but here is my dilemma. The marathon is scheduled for Saturday, June 18th at 7:30 am (the day following my expected graduation). Do you think there would be enough time for me, after the graduation ceremonies, to fly back home to Minneapolis from San Diego in time for the start of the marathon?

    I realize I may be getting ahead of myself and should be focusing fully on preparing for boot camp but the thought of graduating from the hardest recruit training our Department of Defense has to offer (God willing) and representing not only my family and friends but the entire Marine Corps for 26.2 miles is HIGHLY motivating and would be an honor. If you're still reading this, I thank you for your time and your service. Any info you may have would be greatly appreciated. God bless.


    Poolee Wegerle

  2. #2
    Marine Free Member AAV Crewchief's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    God's Country, Northwest Florida
    1) There is no guarantee you will graduate on time so don't make plans.

    2) Where do you plan to do all of your training runs to get ready for the marathon? Do you plan on just waving "bye" to the drill instructor at the end of the training day and go out for a jolly old training run? It doesn't work that way.

    3) I promise you won't be doing any 20 mile runs in bootcamp. Your time will be spent doing other constructive things. I've run four marathons with a PR of 3:11 that qualified me for Boston. You've got to put serious training into this event or otherwise you will hurt yourself and since you will BELONG to the Corps, hurting yourself might get you into a bit of trouble. I just don't see where you will make it from boot camp graduation to the start of this marathon on time and be properly trained to finish this without hurting yourself.

  3. #3
    I would second what AAV said. You would physically be able to make it to the marathon location (most likely), but you would certainly not be in any kind of shape to actually run the marathon. Sure, you'll be in good shape after boot camp, but a marathon is a whole 'nother level. No offense, but that retired Marine that wants you to run a marathon with him the day after you would graduate boot camp is a tard.

  4. #4
    Thank you for your advice, gentlemen. It's greatly appreciated.

  5. #5
    Guest Free Member
    even if you were in "marathon shape" after boot camp, running a marathon after the 13 weeks of boot camp is going to be the last thing you'll want to do. Your gonna want to stuff your face with all sorts of nasty and be lazy for a few days, trust me!

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