finally a Marine!
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  1. #1

    finally a Marine!

    Hey all Poolees. Being a Recruit sucks. But once you finish that Reaper hike and get your Eagle Globe and Anchor it makes it all worth while. Just live Chow to Chow, Lights to Lights, and Sunday to Sunday. Your going to wonder a few times (or at least I did) what the hell did I get myself into but just push through it and you will be glad you did in the end. Also, how do I change my status from Poolee to Marine??

  2. #2
    Congratulation Marine!
    any tips?'
    and with my current ist scores will i be OK?

  3. #3
    Hey, just thought I'd ask you instead of bothering the Ask a Marine forum. How much time do you ACTUALLY get on Sundays. It's kind of nonspecific in anything I've read. Stuff like 2 hours, 1 hour, church time. I don't care that much how much time you TECHNICALLY have, but how much of it are you likely to GET on any given day?

  4. #4
    yeah man ur ist is fine they will get that way up while u r there. Sundays are about 4 hours i would say they started giving us more free time as well like the dis wouldn't show up until around noon and church services started at like 8. For awhile though you won't get to much free time. But they give u an hour everynight of free time but they always got something for u 2 do and u will have to hygiene during it as well.

  5. #5
    Congrats Marine!

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