Conversation Between bekster2008 and MrRobert

Conversation Between bekster2008 and MrRobert

19 Visitor Messages

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  1. While I appreciate your change in actions. I now believe you abuse the smileys. Really, you only need at most 1 smiley per visitor message. Anything more is most likely excessive. Something to think about...
  2. Oh Mr. Robert, I am so deeply sorry you feel that my mannerisms on this site come across as offensive or demeaning, in the future I will try and reflect a nicer tone even though my inner feelings will want to say much harsher things. Better? And about Sunday, that is so cute that you think you know more than I do....Good luck.
  3. Oh, and before I go, you're sooooo going down on Sunday. Have a nice night!
  4. While he was wrong, and obviously had no idea what he was talking about, you can't use such negative tones. Remember, people are sensitive. He just made a fool of himself, no need to just rub his face in it. Next time try a-While I see you feel very passionate, you might want to recheck what you think. Much nicer.
  5. Huh? I simply corrected him on a message board...He was wrong too...I even sent him the ACT website. lol.
  6. bekster could you please stop being mean to Kyle. K thx.
  7. haha good I will hope for better competition.
  8. Ah come on you knew everything. Not only that, you insta-typed everything. I was impressed. Oh, but it's on next Sunday.
  9. Haha, I saw your post on the forum, good to know I kick your a$$ knowledge-wise. lol.
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 19 of 19
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