Conversation Between Melancon and Yurkin

Conversation Between Melancon and Yurkin

9 Visitor Messages

  1. Touche' my friend :} But hey, you get cool points for being a gamer and liking fooball. lol
  2. And who did his dad play for? nuff said.
  3. Pshhh, come on now. Halo is cool... just like Peyton Manning :]
  4. Halo sucks... Its entirely overrated, just like the Colts lol. Coincidence?
  5. yeah? welll. xbox has better games. hellooooooo. HALO! One of the best games ever created. Everybody knows that :] But yeah, I'll guess I'll give it to the Saints. Drew Brees is cool. BUT. The Colts are taking it this year.
  6. PS3 has better graphics and you dont need to play online. And there tends to be less 12 year olds playing online on ps3. AND i know the saints always sucked -.- but those days are over lol
  7. ohhh damn, you wanna go THERE? lol. Only thing ps3 has over xbox is Blu-Ray. big whoop. Microsoft, ftw. and and and! Dont hate on my Dolphins :[ took you guys long enough to get to the Super Bowl anywayyyy. Who dat? Who cares. hahahaha ;]
  8. And just what is wrong with PS3 besides that its better than xbox?

    btw Saints > Dolphins haha
  9. PS3? awwww come on! :[
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9