Conversation Between Enigmatic and 0231Marine

Conversation Between Enigmatic and 0231Marine

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Good to hear brother. Make sure you pack your warm clothes. I hear Alaska can get a little chilly

    Things here are good. Construction on our house starts today actually and hopefully, it'll be done by August. I'll post pictures on here as it progresses. It looks like the wife is going to be heading to Afghanistan in November for about 7-9 months so I'm bummed about that but we'll work around it like we always do. Anyways, glad to hear things are going better for you and the wife. Wish you luck and keep in touch!
  2. Everything's good man. Just haven't really had much time to be on here. Got school and all. I'm moving to Alaska for good in about 3 weeks, so my daughter and I will finally be with my wife and son again. I'm excited. Just hope I like it up there. Always been a city boy. How are things with you?
  3. Dude, where the hell have you been? Haven't seen you on here in atleast a month. Update? How are the wife and kids?
  4. Hey brother how's it been? Enjoying the civvie spook life? Hope you and the wife are doing well man. Take care.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4