Conversation Between TKOTapout and USMC Sokol

Conversation Between TKOTapout and USMC Sokol

6 Visitor Messages

  1. What i do sometimes is Put a 45 pound plate on my chest and lay on the decline bench with my arms cross over the weight or holding it straight out in front of me. Either way it makes it easier when i have to bump out a hundred in 2 min lol
  2. Good shlt ! Yea your IST scores are pretty BEAST lol

    Ok I'll increase in weight..but it kind of sucks doing them with barbells. It's kind of a nuisance to hold them ya know? Ehh
  3. Haven't smoked for like 3-4 weeks, had one on my birthday and it was good but my cardio is up so much. Im feeling a 300 ist before i ship. And if it feels easy you can always move up in weight i always say if you can do over 15 reps move up in weight.
  4. How's quitting smoking going? Have you stopped?

    Btw, I've been doing crunches with a 25 lb weight barbells. I usually do about 25 or so per set. What do you think? Keep doing them? Do more? Increase the weight?
  5. I'm currently at 16-17 pull ups and 130 crunches.. I'm guessing I should go with a 40lb, right?
  6. Your pullups and crunches are impressive man. Where can I get a vest? Btw, I'm from RSS North Boston. Massachusetts has some of the best Poolee's from what I've heard
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