Conversation Between agwilliams and mpellie

Conversation Between agwilliams and mpellie

4 Visitor Messages

  1. thanks ill try to start that in a couple days
  2. yeah thats know in Oct. I weighed 195 lbs and now im down to 160lbs and I could do the flexed arm hang longer than 2 seconds and now Im up to 50 seconds...with this work out program i found its for officers but hell,whatever works right? check out the female workout
  3. im not in dep yet...moderator had to change me from Marine family to poolee, i am hoping to be ready to dep in august. I notice you and i have the same birthday..thats 80lbs over hoping to only be about 40lbs by august
  4. when do yo u leave for boot camp?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4