Conversation Between WKranz and jburke1983

Conversation Between WKranz and jburke1983

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Post in random L'Neck thread: "I think you guys are the greatest! I really appreciate all marines for their sacrifices! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! I send cookies to overseas marines every week. Semper Fi!"

    Reply in random L'neck thread: "First off, you motherfvcking douchebag, its Marines (not guys). Secondly if you forget to capitalize "Marines" one more time I will drop a hot, steaming deuce on your face while you're sleeping. Third, you're cookies taste like sh*t. Lastly, you do not rate "Semper Fi". Say it again and I will castrate you with rusty pruning shears and make you teabag yourself."
  2. I will poop a mofoin chicken haha.
  3. That message probably would have made more sense if it didnt get censored... I cant tell if you're planning on fvcking a MuFvckin chicken or if you have another plan in mind.
  4. make sure you capitalize mARINE, or i will **** a mu****in chicken.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4