Conversation Between jetdoc and HurricaneRJ

Conversation Between jetdoc and HurricaneRJ

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Dang man, thats some crazy sheet.
  2. I'm alright, just in Iraq doing what I have to do. Life is pretty normal out here. Iraq has changed so much and so many restrictions on the individual Marine that it's insane. Had a chance to kill a man, but never took the shot as I feared even If I had followed ROE, I would still be locked up because the Iraqi's get the benefit of the doubt not us anymore.
  3. I just now noticed you are a Lance Cooley....whats up Ray, everything going well?
  4. Hey Ray, just added you as a friend....whats up? Getting used to life in the Corps? Did you ever buy that car dude?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4