Conversation Between irpwns and Vietvet1968

Conversation Between irpwns and Vietvet1968

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Thank you for your message, and im assuming you read my post. When I said future soldier training for preparation, I ment Delayed entry program. All the program is, the recruiter makes sure the applicant can pass the physical test and prior to going to boot camp learn basic commands. I understand Bootcamp is where Marines are made. And again, thank you for your comment.
  2. Thomas,

    No MARINE apparently has yet told you this: There is NO PREPARATION for being a MARINE....that is what Boot Camp is for. It transforms us all from whatever we were into M...most...A...awesomely...R...respected...I...ind ividuals...N...needed...E...everywhere
    That's what WE are and that's where we go. Want to be a MARINE? Go enlist and go to Boot Camp. When you graduate you'll be one of " The Few, The Proud, The MARINES. Always remember, We not only protect this world; WE PROTECT OUR OWN!
    Roger Dale Stewart
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