Conversation Between Gunner614 and kimosabi1988

Conversation Between Gunner614 and kimosabi1988

2 Visitor Messages

  1. I have talked to my recruiter and he is the one who told me to cover them with make-up...So I'm not really sure what to do. Thanks though, It would suck to pay to get them removed then still be denied for scars. Thanks and good luck, When in boot camp and your thinking you cant take it anymore and you wanna quit or die, Think of me and What I'd give to just feel that pain. Sounds stupid but It's true.
  2. I read your post on you wanting to get your tattoos removed. When you get a tattoo removed, it still leaves a visible scar. Now i'm not 100%, but If it's still visible your still going to need a waiver. I remember hearing my recruiter talking about this at one point. You should talk to a recruiter just in case.
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