Conversation Between miked23 and flashman

Conversation Between miked23 and flashman

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Every once in awhile I run into guys who were in and around DaNang and recall the ammo dump,outdoor movie theater, chow hall all getting hit..I remember being put on reactionary platoon during Tet and I was about 2-3 weeks short...Old salt Master Sargent giving me crap about it. I work for the VA and some of the old World War II Marines are the best. Most of the guys from the early days are gone but still a bunch from Okinawa and even 1 or 2 old China Marines, the stories they tell are funny and they love to tell them.
  2. Flashman,

    You should get in touch with Andy Anderson. He joined H&MS17 after you left, but like you he got onto the flare crew. I also joined after you (Oct '68), but was in Avionics.
    If you don't see Andy here, let me know and I'll give you contact info.

    Mike Dolan (Rocketman)
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