Conversation Between lagrand and stayck1

Conversation Between lagrand and stayck1

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Also, search through this thread

    There is a lot of info on Crew Chief/Aircrew that you or your son may find useful.
  2. Well I'm not a Marine but I can help you to the best of my knowledge. When I first started getting interested in the Marine Corps I wanted to enlist into Aircrew, and that program is called the "AG" Option/Contract, have your son ask about that. It encompasses a wide range of aircrew MOSs like loadmaster, flight mechanic, etc. I know that if he were to go aircrew and be on a plane/helicopter, he would first have to go to NACCS, which is Naval Aircrew Candidate School in Pensacola, FL and then they would assign him a plane/chopper. I know there is an aircrew thread around here but I would do a search. I wish I had some more information for you but I am not as knowledgeable as I wish I was. Take care.

    - Jacob
  3. Help! can you tell me what MOS my son should pick to be on a plane? He wanted crew chief but was told its full
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