Conversation Between Pete0331 and Mafiaprincess19

Conversation Between Pete0331 and Mafiaprincess19

13 Visitor Messages

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  1. Howdy, You end up in the Army?
  2. anything else you cant remember about me?
  3. Check out my Iraq pics.
  4. Mayyyyyybeeeeeeeee....

    lol. get on chat
  5. *crosses arms* hmmmph!

    well..I suppose. I work for things I want...haha

    wait...that sounded REALLY bad! *laughs*
  6. You're gonna have to try harder then that.
  7. .........*bats eyes*

    (always works) hehe
  8. We'll see....*smiles*
  9. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO........*sorry* *sad*

    *wonders if she can still get the diamond....* *smiles* *giggles*
  10. No puppies for you!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 13
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