Conversation Between YLDNDN6 and Andrew09

Conversation Between YLDNDN6 and Andrew09

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Sorry to be so long in getting back to ya. Been off the computer for a bit with a bunch of overtime at work. Hope your new duty station workd out for ya. Keep out of trouble and charge hard!
  2. Baha sounds like some good times. I love Pensacola, been here for 6 months, I got orders out of here this morning to Camp Pendleton. I've had some crazy times here, I can only remember a handful of them.. I've partied with some of the guys at Corry. We've had some quarrels with the Navy, about 5 months ago we actually took a student Navy barracks hostage with Nerf Guns and a few of us got some 6105 forms filled out by our CO who was thrilled (****ed off) with us when he found out we tied a 1st class PO to a chair on 2nd deck. Probably one of the more reckless things we've done... other than that we stay pretty squared away Semper Fi brother.
  3. Hey there Marine! What did you think of Pensacola? I was down there in '83-'84 at NTTC Corry Station. Went to NAS one day to drink and play a round of golf. Bad combination...Got drunk, wrecked a golf cart, beat up a Navy fella on the way out and spent the night in a closet at the guard shack back at NTTC. CO kept me off the books, though, and made me pay for the wrecked golf cart...never heard anything about the fight, though...ahhhh, the memories! Semper Fi Marine!
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