Conversation Between 2ndCEBSupply and Hamelink83

Conversation Between 2ndCEBSupply and Hamelink83

7 Visitor Messages

  1. It was stolen from my apartment, bikes were dissapering left and right over the summer. Ill get a new one eventually. The 06 R6 prices are droping and i like the body style.
  2. Sadly though, my R6 mainly gets used for street riding now days and I ride like a complete girl. Still have solid chicken strips on the sides.
  3. Aw man that sucks that your bike got stolen. It wasn't stolen on base was it? I uploaded a couple more, I don't have very many. The wrecked bike is a 2003 Kawasaki ZX6R that I destroyed. Highsided at about 130mph...not good.
  4. do u have anymore pics
  5. Nope my bike was stolen before i could get a suite. (i have a car now)
  6. Best 600 on the planet. Did you ever do trackdays?
  7. I miss my r6
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