Conversation Between GSEMarine94 and devildame

Conversation Between GSEMarine94 and devildame

3 Visitor Messages

  1. I do go back every now and then, still have family in Brentwood. The reason I am so far away is when I met my wife while stationed at NAS Millington (the A school location back in the 90's). And yeah I miss it bad enough that I have actually joined the National guard about a month or so, I leave for OCS next week.
  2. I grew up in the hills, moved to Pleasant Hill at 19 (who can afford the hills anyway!), spent 8 months in Orinda, and 5 years off Fruitvale. Do you ever go back? How did you end up so far from home?
    I get nostalgic for GSE whenever I fly and get a window seat, watching the ground crew use all that gear I know so well. Strangely GSE doesn't get paid much as civilians.
  3. Het Lindsey, welcome aboard. Good to see a fellow GSE Marine on board. What part of Oakland you from, I grew up in the East Bay, Antioch and Concord.
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