Conversation Between davblay and Sempermom66

Conversation Between davblay and Sempermom66

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Dave, let me know how you are faring. My Marines are home this week. I hope Spring 2009 is finding you well. C.
  2. Mom, I know one of your son's username is Eidal on this site, but what is the other sons username here do you know? I got a letter from steve today BTW. He is fine as is his brother. he was on training day 35 when he wrote this letter.

    I'll check, I may have Chris' username somewhere.

    God Speed Mom,

  3. I guess he must have gotten my address before he left. Any way I added him and his brother to my data base so they will both get mail from me.

    Semper Fi Mom, and hang in there.

  4. I'm so sorry that I missed your message for two days!

    3269 is their platoon -- what do you think are the chances that there is another Recruit Phillips with a brother...slim, I think.

    How is it that Chris is writing to you, Dave?

    I must admit that it's amazing--obviously, there has been a transformation already, as this guy isn't about the letter-writing!!!

    I heard today that he also wrote his grandmother--another impressive departure from the guy who left here on January 12!

    Dave, I am available to write letters--if you think a recruit wouldn't mind hearing from a mom...

    Thank you so much for everything you do!

  5. I got a letter from a Rect Phillips (no first name) Plt 3269, says he's with his brother. Could that be Chris?

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