Conversation Between blumpkin and Tookie22

Conversation Between blumpkin and Tookie22

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Congrats on earning the title. I'm in the fleet now if you have Any questions about your mos le me know
  2. Nice name. I just arrived at the Mos school so I honestly can't give you much info. While at bootcamp and mct kick some a$$ on the humps, think of it as conditioning for the radio. The job field is broad but with the surge everyone is talking about font be suprised if you get 0621. It's a good job field that will help out in the civilian world. But just focus on bootcamp now, then it will all fall into place. I really don't have much info but feel free to ask away. Beat of luck to you and hope to see you back here after 13 weeks.
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