Conversation Between Enigmatic and SlaveToTheCorps

Conversation Between Enigmatic and SlaveToTheCorps

9 Visitor Messages

  1. Alaska? Wow, my apologies!!! Yeah, the next time you're in time...hit me up!!!

  2. I was in Carpentersville up until about two weeks ago. Just moved to Alaska....yeah, freakin' ALASKA. I'm missing some Chicago-style hot dogs like crazy! But next time I'm in town we can defininitely make that happen! I haven't been to GAT Guns in years!
  3. You're in Carpentersville? I go shooting down at GAT Guns...we could let a few rounds off & have a few drinks!!! Just maybe not at the same time! haha
  4. Thank you Vanessa! I should try to make it out to Mundeline one of these days, buy you a beer
  5. sending out many thanks to all the past, present and future veterans who are willing to risk their own lives for the freedoms this great country stands for! you are trully an inspiration!

  6. Well, I guess you still count as a cool kid! haha
  7. Is that so? I wouldn't know, I haven't been there in ages. Pass by it all the time on the way to Great Lakes though. I only lived there till I was in second grade.
  8. It's where all the cool kids live! LOL
  9. Mundeline! I used to live there! a little carried away...
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9